Monday 22 September 2014

Scaly Skin 2+

Now that all this tournament mumbo jumbo is done I'm finally free of my moral obligation to paint Tomb Kings and I can move onto painting and general hobby for my Lizardmen. Not only am I free of guilt but I'm also back at school so I'm finally reunited with my hobby desk and all its sweet fucking tools and vices..... for science.

So I started by doing some detail work on the cold one calvary which has been halted by my lack of Dheneb Stone so I will have to visit the local filth hovel (aka GW) before they can be finished. In the mean time I have started to tackled my bastillidon mixed with some skink painting seshs. So the tide of scales is finally starting to green up a bit.

So I've decided that I don't actually like myself because I have chosen this as the paint scheme for the armour plates of my bastillidon. It is going to be an absolute bitch to paint the whole thing like this but it'll look fucking epic if I do.

The process I use to get to this look for the scales starts with a base coat of black. I start by slopping a coat of Wild Rider Red into the cracks, followed by a layer of Troll Slayer Orange. I use a calligraphy brush to paint the thin Yriel Yellow strip down the center of each crack. The plates themselves start with a thick coat of Skink Blue over the whole surface. The scorch marks start with a thin layer of Dawnstone which fades to drybrushing as it moves inward. Then a very thin drybrush of Chaos Black on top of the Dawnstone.

I still haven't decided how to finish the legs but I figure I'll ponder this when I visit GW to pick up some paints.

This is a pile of skinks in varying stages of completeness. The skinks are pretty simple to do, as always start with a black undercoat, then cover the whole lizard in Incubi Darkness. Then a thick layer of Sybarite Green, followed by a washing of Coelia Greenshade. The scales get a light drybrush of Skink Blue and all thats left is picking out weapons and jewelry.