Warhammer 40k Kill Teams

Here are some of our Kill Team ideas. We're posting them here for easy access and easy criticism.

Jed McFred's Ravenwing Kill Team (200 Points)

Ravenwing Attack Squad Solas
  • Veteran Sergeant Solas (Feel no Pain)
    • Bolt Pistol
    • Twin-Linked Bolter
    • Frag Grenades
    • Krak Grenades
    • Teleport Homer
    • Lightning Claw
    • Combi-Plasma Gun
  • Brother Nathaniel (Skilled Rider)
    • Bolt Pistol
    • Twin-Linked Bolter
    • Frag Grenades
    • Krak Grenades
    • Teleport Homer
    • Plasma Gun
  • Brother Amael
    • Bolt Pistol
    • Twin-Linked Bolter
    • Frag Grenades
    • Krak Grenades
    • Teleport Homer
    • Plasma Gun
  • Brother Osiris and Brother Flaurous (Master Crafted Multi-Melta)
    • Attack Bike
    • Bolt Pistol
    • Twin-Linked Bolter
    • Frag Grenades
    • Krak Grenades
    • Teleport Homer
    • Multi-Melta

Jed McFred's Burna Nob Kill Team (200 Points)

The Burnmobile 
  • Skorcha Wartrakk
The Burnmoboyz
  • Painboy Gutsnik (Stealth)
    • Dok's Tools
    • Urty Sryinge
  • Nob Stabmek (Fear)
    • Shoota/Skorcha
    • Big Choppa
    • Cybork
  • Nob  Wazzkop (Preferred Enemy)
    • Shoota/Skorcha
    • Big Choppa
    • Cybork
  • Runtherd Gorgrub + 10 Gretchin
    • Blastaz
    • Grabba Stikk
    • Slugga
    • Squig Hound


The Darkster's Chaos Veterans (200 Points)

Lieutenant Bosphoro...
  • Veteran of the Long War
  • Combi Bolter
  • Power Sword
  • Mutation
  • Frag and Krak Grenades
  • *Feel No Pain
...And the Marauders 
  • 4 Chaos Marines
  • Veterans of the Long War
  • 2 Close Combat Weapons
  • 4 Bolt Pistols
  • 4 Bolters
  • Frag and Krak Grenades
Their lackeys...
  • Champion w/ Shotgun, *Stealth
  • 9 Cultists
  • 1 Autogun
  • Flamer
...And the Dog 
  • Spawn
  • *It Will Not Die

Wooster's Necrons: soulless automatons since 2005 (195)

- 5 immortals with gauss
  - stealthbot
  - preferred enemybot

- 5 warriors

- 1 wraith
  - whip coil
  - rampage

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