Sunday 9 August 2015

Temple Guard Captain

 Pretty badass temple guard captain, if I'm this productive every time we play homam I might actually finish a full unit for once.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

8th is actually still really fun

So I got to game a bunch this weekend and I want to rub it in, so here I am on the blog. I visited Wooster in the big smoke, we gave Age of Shitmar a try, then proceeded to play 3 games of 8th ed. 

This was my first foray into the realm of Shitmar, as much as I wanted it to be really good for reasons I couldn't see, it blew turbo space chunks compared to 8th. We did Lizardmen vs Chaos and I lost horribly. Wooster summed it up rather well afterwards, it feels more like table top mtg than warhammer. Apart from the fact that I lost, it wasn't a particularly shitty game (if you don't compare it to 8th) but it also wasn't a game that I would actively try to play. Games Workshop must have somehow thought that the fantasy community was longing to play warmachine. Anyways we concluded that 7th and 8th edition fantasy will provide years of entertainment at least for playing each other. 

Now onto the good stuff, 3 whole games of 8th ed with pictures.

So the first game was my Slann/Carnosaur double lord list VS Woosters demon prince slaughter orgy list.