Saturday 29 March 2014

A Flames of War Scenario

I finished my last paper of the semester and now it's time to post. I've been sketching up ideas for a Battle of Kursk scenario. I'd like to introduce yous guys to a little operation that happened in a little town called Prelestnoye south of Kursk.

As you may know, the Battle of Kursk didn't really take place in the city as much as it did in the environs. The attack started on my birthday (July 4th) 1943, and was forced to withdraw by the 13th. This scenario is made to emulate the critical moment when Vatutin decided to commit the 5th Guards tank to stop the German push towards the city of Prokhorovka, so dates wise we're looking at the morning of July 12th. The German left of line in this was anchored on the River Psel. They moved east out of the town to be met head on by Soviet Tanks.

First thing to do is to set up the table something like this:
Black is built up areas.
Grey is roads.
Blue is river.
Beige is fields.
Green is woods.
That brown-ey red line at the top is supposed to be a contour line. MS paint is hard.

Then each player builds companies.
The German player builds one 2100 point SS Pz Div (Totenkopf). Now, it was actually the 1st SS Pz Div fighting in this area, but there is only rules for the 3rd SS Pz Div. Totenkopf was fighting slightly to the north, and the only difference I found between the two divisions was that the 1st SS didn't have any Tigers. Therefore, no Tigers for the Germans. The list can be found in Grey Wolf.
The Soviet player builds two similar 1250 point Guard Tank Companies from Red Bear. The Soviet forces in this are consisted mostly of T-34s, so be cool and use em. Also, I said make the companies similar so to avoid the Soviet player min/maxing for infantry in the 1st Guards and tanks in the 5th Guards. Coolio? Coolio.

The Soviet player deploys one of his companies first. He may hold one of his platoons in ambush. This one will represent the 1st Guards. The Soviet line is at 24" on the right flank and 48" on the left. The German Player then deploys his company, holding up to half of his units in reserve. His line is at 6" on the left and 30" on the right.The other Soviet company is held in delayed reserves.

The German objective is placed within 6" of the opposite table edge. Soviet Reserves come in anywhere within 8" of the center road. The game ends if the Germans control this objective, or if there is no Germans within 16" of the objective after the 6th turn.

Special Rules:

Prepared Reserves: When the Soviet player rolls for reserves he may add one die to his pool. This would mean he could get 2D6 on the third turn, and 3D6 on the fourth turn.

Cut Off: If the German player gets at least one platoon above half strength off the Soviet table edge, it engages the Soviet reserves. The Soviets may no longer bring troops on from reserve.

Bonus Points: The Germans get +2 victory points if they successfully cut off the Soviet reserves. The Soviets get +2 victory points if they control the bridge in the German deployment zone at the end of the game.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Explanation of Hiatus

Bon-jour toot le monde

Okay, so we haven't been posting for a long time, and, while I think this is an issue, we're all super bogged down with schoolwork, so posts are probably gonna continue sporadically until the end of semester.

So, I got some things to say before I get started on the real reason behind this post.

First thing is that the Lego movie is awesome.
Second, Pokemon on Netflix is awesome.
Third, boobies are awesome.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Un-Dead Blog

That's kind of lame. I can understand it, but it's a shame. I saw some drafts so maybe it will liven up soon.

I have been hobbying a bit between other things. I'm doing many of my chaos guys to about 3/4 complete then switching projects.
Here are some WIP.

UPDATE: done for now.