Saturday 19 April 2014

Did someone say Bastiladon?

In regards to your comment Molgrimmar, yes that is how I'm planning to have my Bastilidon look as well. I was literally working on it when you commented so I figured I'd post up what I had finished so far. This is just the first 3 colours (2 different oranges and a blood red wash) but I'm planning on doing some more work this weekend. I'm gonna add some highlights to the armour plates and work on the weapon mount and the skinks. The level of completion that will be achieved is entirely based on my motivation this weekend. Now in the spirit of big beasty painting, this is the time for me to lay down a challenge for you fuckers. Anyone who fails to post a similar level of painting progress shall be obligated to bow down to my awesomeness.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Army Shot

Not really. This stuff is about 85% painted though, and I'm glad it's all turning out how I had hoped.

The elephant is for a war-shrine to sit upon. I'm going to request to raid all bits boxes while I make a shrine for it. I particularly need bigger chaos iconography (looking at you Darkster).

Anyways I have no motivation whatsoever to paint while not getting games in. This all was done after reading week, and the drive has since fizzled. What I'm getting at is we should game it up as soon as possible after exam time. I am definitely down to visit Jaker on a mad road trip or whatever.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Welp, I'm back

Greetings from the great beyond, the ever growing mound of homework has finally managed to kill me. I write this post from the afterlife with great effort for the sole reason of offending you all one last time. So.....yeaah fuck you.

Okay so I've got a lot of shit to say so sit down and shut up.
First and foremost, I have discovered a free to play mech-warrior FPS called HAWKEN that is ballz to the wallz the most fun I've ever had driving a mech. It runs beautifully on my shitty school laptop so needless to say every time I play it on my big screen my eyeballs melt out of my skull. 60% of the time its always more fun than Warthunder, check it out.