Friday 27 May 2016

Tournaments, Painting, and general laziness

Oh man I haven't posted in such a long time, and allow me to follow my time honoured tradition of claiming that all of that is behind me and the future only holds a post filled paradise. I have started painting again though so that's nice, and we all went to a super sweet 9th Age tournament in Montreal at the beginning of May.

Let's start with the painting, I've finally video gamed myself out after finishing my engineering degree and turned to more nobel pursuits like painting and listening to mediocre tv shows. So my first project was the only model that was conveniently sitting on my desk when I decided that Idris Elba isn't actually all that interesting but I'd invested enough in the show to want to at least listen to how it ends. This Tomb Cataphract is following the original paint scheme with a couple minor differences, 1 being that my midnight blue has been replaced by a non-hethen paint from a real art store and that my hawk turquoise has be replaced by a temple guard blue (of the hethen variety). They both seem to do a good job and the coverage is pretty good for a single coat.

Wednesday 25 May 2016


Hey guys,

Just wanted to post something for the sake of keeping in touch, and share some cool gaming stuff I've been getting up to.

I recently picked up some figs for a second DBA force, the post-mongol samurai. Then, while at Hot Lead with Ben I had a chance to pick up some Osprey gaming books, one of which is Ronin: Skirmish Wargaming in the Age of the Samurai. How fitting!

This post has no pics for 2 reasons 1. I'm at work right now. 2. I haven't painted anything new since the last samurai I posted.