Friday 27 May 2016

Tournaments, Painting, and general laziness

Oh man I haven't posted in such a long time, and allow me to follow my time honoured tradition of claiming that all of that is behind me and the future only holds a post filled paradise. I have started painting again though so that's nice, and we all went to a super sweet 9th Age tournament in Montreal at the beginning of May.

Let's start with the painting, I've finally video gamed myself out after finishing my engineering degree and turned to more nobel pursuits like painting and listening to mediocre tv shows. So my first project was the only model that was conveniently sitting on my desk when I decided that Idris Elba isn't actually all that interesting but I'd invested enough in the show to want to at least listen to how it ends. This Tomb Cataphract is following the original paint scheme with a couple minor differences, 1 being that my midnight blue has been replaced by a non-hethen paint from a real art store and that my hawk turquoise has be replaced by a temple guard blue (of the hethen variety). They both seem to do a good job and the coverage is pretty good for a single coat.

Next up would be the tournament, the tournament was hosted by Northern Defenders at the millitary base on the island in Montreal. We all trekked from various far-away lands in Canada, arriving on friday in the evening, we proceeded to get surprisingly drunk and belligerent. The tournament started at 8:30am on Saturday morning, which meant a quick trip to McShits(™) before lumbering into the tournament bleary eyed and grumpy. We were immediately berated for being late on presenting our lists, some of which had been re-written while drunk and surprisingly the math was no good. The first game was against the Darkster which was a wash and entirely his fault (8-22), although I got that one out of the way early. The next game was against Jed and that was a reverse of the previous (22-8). Then I finally played someone I didn't know, a weirdo playing a super gimmicky beastmen list that was based on all of his units ambushing from the board edges. Inevitably this meant his play speed was to slow to measure, although I managed to combo charge his death star with my death star, my sphinx, and my teleporting knight bus. If we'd played one more turn out this would have been a much better victory but I was still happy with a 17.5-12.5.

My last game of the day was against Molgrimmar which we ended in a 15-15 tie, split right down the middle for an anti-climactic end to a tiring day.

To celebrate that our feet were still attached to our legs after all that standing, we spent 30 mins walking around arguing about where to eat before settling on a family italian restaurant where they are obligated by law to sing happy birthday every 5 mins lest they get set on fire by the government of Montreal. We then proceeded to get super drunk all over again. 

Day 2 was a lot of the same, soooo totally awesome. My first game was against the other dark elf player, and he was one of those guys who had sold 3/8 of his soul for a beautifully painted army and a matching diorama to transport them on. This game was daunting, dark elves are scary, I was half asleep and half hungover, and did I mention dark elves are scary? Well all that was piss in the wind because I fucked him up in battle score, beating him by a solid 600 points. He spent the first turn being a bitch with expensive horses then he charged his scary witch elf death block into my sphinx, who promptly stabbed, flamed, stomped, and thunder stomped them to death and ran them down. His sorceress on a pegasus thought she was being all kinds of clever flying up the side of my line but my High Liche Indiana opened the ark of the covenant and melted her nazi face off in a single blast. The game ended in a 15-15 tie because of the crazy french scoring system but I won a moral victory as the nobel forces of the shambling undead triumphed over the wicked dark elves. 

My last game was against a vampires army that was also quiet well painted, but  mysteriously featured several elastics bands as decoration. This was a fun game, we just charged in and got all kinds of stuck in on turn 2 and ground things out. Luckily for me I decided to ignore his scary varkolac flying bastards and that worked out really well because they killed a 65 points archer unit and spent the rest of the game sucking each other off.
So in the end I finished 2-2-2, but really the important thing to note here is that I beat the Darkster in battle points wooooo!

Addendum: The next weekend I visited toronto and played a 2v1 against Wooster and Molgrimmar to which I handily fucked them up, cleaning them off the table essentially, I wont narrate but the pictures are below.


  1. All of this is awesome. Except maybe that game we played... actually it was fun, plus ben and I did some silly stuff. Games like that tend to be sweeps anyways. I feel like such a turd for taking no pics at the tourney. I guess all of our armies looked like shit anyways so I guess thats why I didnt (still a biiit salty on that one)

  2. "...opened the ark of the covenant and melted her nazi face off in a single blast."

    Not too often I literally laugh out loud alone at my computer. I tip my fedora t'ya. That was a fun tourney, glad you took pics...I took a few but they're total shit.
