Saturday 30 March 2013

FoW end of Game

After a turn of dismal luck, Patton's spearhead lays crushed.
The Fourth Armoured first failed to hit anything, then failed all their saves.
It was an ultimate failure for Democracy, nothing else can be said.

FoW end of Turn 2

The thrust continues. With Darko's guns in the church marginalized, The advance took surprisingly few casualties.

That said some unfortunate rolls meant the Russians did not see many deaths.

Patton and the artillery once again faced the soviet air support. They have achieved air superiority despite the P-47's harried attempts.

FoW end of Turn 1

In true "blood and guts" fashion my spear's flanks are dulled. But the push goes on.

Patton is slightly shaken from a Shturmovik attack, but lives to lead.

Darksters Su-85m's took some hits, but shredded my M5's.

His T-34's moved on in a lucky reserve roll but failed to hit anything on their first turn. 

FoW post deployment

Look at this. The Americans are gonna crush these Ruski bastards.

Friday 29 March 2013

Flames of War!

Me and The Darkster decided to play some 3000pts of FoW. This is our table. We'll be playing "No Retreat", I'll be the attacker.

I'll post each turn as we play.

Ancient Play-Testing

We did play-testing for ancients. It was badass. I don't have the greatest pictures maybe someone does. It was me and Molgrimarr against Shooster and The Darks.

Someone said they'ed type up the rules we decided on, but I was to fuckin excited not to post.

Also we had some cool shit at school last weekend. Those pictures are down there too.

And lastly I think "Shooster and The Darks" sounds like an awesome band.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Exploding an Avacado

WARNING: The following materials may not be about wargaming. 
This avacado was pretty mushy and this seemed less wasteful than throwing it out.

Today we're going to learn, by pictures, how to blow up an avacado using simple fireworks. 

The slimy bastard blew clean in half! Two went off at once and did that I suppose, while I'm assuming the third was still in the airborne half when it exploded a second later...that half was nowhere to be found. The pit was lying cleanly beside the half and the splat-crater.

Monday 25 March 2013

Lots of Pictures

I'm really sorry, I didn't have time to write a battle report for that 40k game, as I had promised I would. I don't feel too bad since nobody has posted up a battle report. Still, it would be nice to see one.

On the other hand I have a bunch of pretty cool pictures; inspired by Molgrimmarr's first post, I'm just going to dump them all in one post for everybody's viewing pleasure.

"A wall of steel" -The Darkster

These guys never actually got into that building, even though the door was so close


This fight was actually very funny. They fought for about 4 rounds of combat and the tomb spyder ultimately won simply because it finallu scored a hit.

An assembled chariot, I have 3 built now out of 8

Polybian Romans - Painting Hastati

My mid-Republican Romans are in for our ancient wargame, and for my first post I've done a step-by-step for the painting of my Hastati. These guys were the lowest class of Rome's heavy infantry. The models are Old Glory 15mm, and they're pretty good. The selling point for me was the variation of poses (2-4 poses depending on model) which really beats the identical ranks many other well-sculpted ranges offered. The quality is quite good...these guys actually clock in at 18mm but they aren't too bulky and wouldn't look outsized beside Flames of War models. Lots of casting-flash is unfortunately present on some of the big, flat shield fronts however...and the spear sizes vary widely, but overall I'm quite happy with the models. The pictures aren't too great as I had to take them all with a flash which kinda kills the close-ups.

To the left are the basecoated models. As our heavy infantry is mounted 4 to a 40mm wide base, I'll be gluing/blutacking them to these wood stir sticks to paint. I based black as I wasn't originally going to ink these models...

...but seeing the pile of lead in front of me (160+ infantry figures) quickly changed that. I think I'll base future Hastati white to speed painting the robes, and the brass doesn't need a black undercoat like an iron alloy. First step is simple, with a solid bright basecoat over all of the model. I've used a mix of GW and Vallejo paints. I find the Vallejo (FoW) paints to go on over the black almost as well as the GW foundation paints. The shield is done with Mechrite Red...have to be careful with brushstrokes showing up with foundation paints on flat surfaces.

A wash of Agrax Earthshade darkens the models up a note, I was originally skeptical about the new GW washes versus their old inks, but having tried them found a subtle improvement. I still wish they came concentrated and not premixed, but they don't get the shiny look inks gave.

After the model was dry a small amount of ink was brushed off against the top and bottom of the shield to give a second coat just below the brass. It really helped the brass banding look less painted-on.

Finally I highlighted the models, the shields again with Mechrite and the cloaks with the same Vallejo paint but slightly brightened. I left the helmet plumes black...fancier colours reserved for the higher classes.
No flash: savour it's glory!

Saturday 23 March 2013

Rough Ancient Rules

I wrote out some rough rules.
Me and Shooster will start play testing tomorrow.