Saturday 23 November 2013

Warriors, come out to play

I somehow managed to get rides to/from Ottawa with Jake and Jed two weekends in a row. I got in some games but apparently it's too difficult to take enough pictures. Maybe, Darko, if you have a bunch we could put them together.

It seemed like there was a lot of cool new shit all around, and I was pretty jealous. Then I manned up and bought myself a couple boxes of chaos warriors =D.

Marching the cracked, desolate earth of my thesis paper.
 12 warriors and 5 knights. The warriors only come with hand weapons but I gave them the lances from the knights to be halberds. I didn't get the battalion box since I don't need the marauders. I like the marauders but there's so much core for the warriors that 25% fills pretty easy. And instead of hounds I'm going to use these spiders that I've had forever.

Essentially the same stats, and the dogs can have poison for 1pt each anyways.
Anyone need that 40mm base?

So now I'm pretty excited for the holidays, asked for some more of this warhammer stuff for christmas, and hopefully get in plenty of games. Apocalypse is certainly not a bad idea.

I'll be building these guys while not studying, however I'm not done exams until the 16th.


  1. AWESOME POSSUM, the excitement generated from playing against real chaos warriors models knocked me out for a few days. I'm super excited to pore over these with you, also we should do hero arena again now that someone else can actually fight my scaly armoured fuckers.
    On the topic of holidays, I have an abnormally long break this year (a whole month) so anyone interested in some role playing?
    And yeah i'll take the extra base if no one has yet

    1. Ya man, those exalted chaos heroes can have 1+ on foot. Same with the new dark elf heroes, so it should be a good time all around.
      My break isn't as long, but still plenty of time for plenty of gaming as far as I can tell.

  2. Wow...I still have a hard time believing that those Chaos warriors are like a ten-year-old box. Those are still some of the most impressive-looking plastic rank'n'filers, even counting the new kits with their wispy detail. These guys are just so solid and...wearing entire bears. Can't wait to see them painted. I agree with you on the marauders in the end, they're just too naked and unnecessary beside these bastards. I also like the idea of Chaos spider-hounds, but they need something suitably horrifying a-warpin'-in from their backs. Like a baby's head or something suitably disturbing.

  3. Ok ok ok. This is super exciting. and also wonderfully unexpected, i nearly squeaked in glee when I saw them. It is impressive how imposing those models look even given their age... I cant wait to face them on the battlefield
