Tuesday 8 July 2014

2400 Point Fantasy Tournament in Kingston

Darkster came and visited me this past weekend  for some Warhams. We played a 3 game tourney on saturday and snuck in another game on sunday. I didn't take any pictures at the tournament for an array of reasons,l be it my opponents unpainted army, or being too depressed about getting tabled.

Game 1:

We rolled up nice and early, as game 1 started at 10:00, to find that a quarter of the field was chaos warriors, a quarter of the field skaven, a pair of dark elf armies and amazingly only 2 forces of order. I got to play high elves on table 1, which made me happy indeed.
There were some weather effects that delayed his silver helms and my chimera, but otherwise this game was  a bit of a bore. His army was a big ol' block of pheonix guard, and a big ol' block of white lions with the world dragon banner. Since all of my fighting units have ensorcelled weapons I pretty much didn't engage either unit. It was a 10-10 tie with some bonus points here and there.

Game 2:

My sorcerer general cascaded turn 1 and I got rolled 16-4 by a 10 year old kid :(
I was using 5 dice to cast an infernal gateway on a chariot that I was gonna kill anyway, so really it's my fault... but fuckin' hell man.

Game 3:

Good game against skaven. Won this one 13-7 after Queek headtaker only got 2 wounds on my skullcrusher champ, and was promptly slain. The rest was a good old skaven infantry vs. chaos knights slog. I cast a strength d6 large blast on 30 slaves, hit, strength 5, did 29 wounds and killed the last slave with warpflame, haha. Fun times.

Here are some pictures of dark and wood elves, unrelated to the tournament.

1 comment:

  1. Game 1: My opponent deployed Skullcrushers, Ogres with great weapons, Trolls, nurgle warriors, and a daemon prince, who charges my scouts turn one and runs them down, after they stumble and roll a 2 for their flee. I basically fed him units till the game ended, where our generals fought one on one to a stalemate. On the depressing side, the weather effects screwed with both of our units - his crushers got lost and stumbled backwards; they got their revenge when i lost the opportunity to move or shoot a few turns later and they rear charged my sorceress. Ouch. I had MY revenge on the last turn, when my BSB lanced Festus with a killing blow. It ended in a respectable 12-12

    Game 2: High Elves. What it came down to, I think, was that he got the first turn and had an extra bolt thrower. His longbows killed one of my bolt thrower and he got a comet into my line before I could respond properly. The skirmish game was fun, and my pegasus rider BSB rolled up almost an entire flank by himself before dying to 1001 arrows. 14-7, I think, for my opponent.

    Game 3: Against Empire - this scenario had each unit and character roll for deployment - on a 1 it was held in reserve. His army was chunky - 2 hordes of infantry, a knight block, artillery and two support chariots. His halberds got stuck in reserve, and so did my knights and BSB, giving his cannons very few critical targets. My light units had a field day and by turn three I tabled him.

    As I had expected the only real challenge came from the other elves. No other race really has a chance to muck up my plans.
