Wednesday 22 October 2014

Is anyone there? Is anyone alive?

Fuck you guys, I'm debating renaming the blog "bastillidon painting progress" so that I don't have to title my posts anymore.

Recently in my various high seas adventures on the internet I came across this glorious paint conversion chart, it converts paint pots across a large number of different companies by name and it includes the old gw paints. Super fucking usefull, I can buy more Midnight Blue from Vallejo.

If my compatriots are in fact alive, they should get their collective asses in gear and paint something. For soon, I shall become the supreme hobby lord and henceforth be incontestable in all affairs pertaining to warhammer.

Well I think I've nailed down how I want the skin to look, its a base coat of Rakarth Flesh, then a nice slather of Brown Ink (full strength), and finish with a light wash of Coelia Greenshade. I've also done a section of the armour plates, I'm kinda of want to dirty it up a little but I'm gonna decide that when the rest is done. 

I've also done a section of the armour plates, I'm kinda of want to dirty it up a little but I'm gonna decide that when the rest is done. 

I've have now successfully magnetized 1 full RippleDoctor, the dactyl is magnetized to the stand, and the rider is magnetized to the dactyl's back. This means I now have 1 RippleDoctor ready to be sprayed and painted.


  1. Nice! Okay I actually check on here every day and just never post. I have a few WIPs, maybe I'll post later today.
    Brown-green ink looks great, perfect lizard scales imo. The scorched scales also look badass.
    And thanks for the paint guide, should come in handy.

  2. Thanks, yeah so do I that's really the main reason I decided to bitch about it lol. The underbelly is done the exact same way as all the shields in the army, I want to use all kinds of radical colours but also tie it all together somehow.

  3. Nice, you got a scheme for the under-scales on that bastillobeast. That looks really good, I'm impressed it's all washes. And the magnetized RippleDoctors are a good call. I highly recommend Vallejo paints, they're basically GW paints in a far more convenient twist-lid pot with a dispenser nipple. I'm pretty much done buying GW paints mainly because the jars are such shit.

  4. Who sells vallejo paints though?

  5. A lot of model shops, and anywhere that stocks Flames of War as it's their chosen paint. The Hobby Centre in the South (Hunt Club) end of Merivale stocks them, probably the closest option.
