This weekend Jed, Molgrimmar and I played in a Flames tourney which included members from Carleton's tabletop gaming club and RMC's wargames club. The format was Late War 1900 points, with six rounds (which became five by sunday). Awards included Best Painted, Rule of Cool and Best Sportsman.
It all went really well - everybody seemed to have tons of fun and nobody's army got dropped on the floor. Molgrimmar's army won best painted, obviously, while I came within a single victory point of winning the whole competition.
I brought a Soviet Heavy Assault Gun Battalion from Red Bear. Two groups of three ISUs, one squad with Bunker Busters and the other with anti-tank cannons. A large artillery battalion provided the core of my support, while a squad of engineer-sappers and a few recon riflemen provided me a some nice infantry backup. The most intimidating element in my list, apart from the six assault guns and the IS-2 commander, was the ten OT-34 flame tanks. These bastards died in every game except the very last one, but killed so many motherfuckers that I think I will keep taking them from now on. They provide so many bodies that my opponents' anti-tank guns can't deal with both the heavy tanks and all those flamers. Light 45mm AT guns and a couple katyusha light rocket mortars rounded out my list.