Tuesday 10 February 2015

Assembly Complete

So I finally got around to buidling the rest of my shit, mainly cause I was feeling guilty about it being unassembled. So there were twelve armless skinks that are now each sporting a brand new pair of arms complete with javelin and shield. The ripple doctors were missing riders and a fuckton of magnetizing, which is now complete so I can backhand them off the table now without them breaking permanently. The skink priest was cool and all but he was not nearly as badass as he could be so I added a wicked sick bolt of fire as a cast animation. The coolest part is that the flamey piece is magnetized to his palm so I'm thinking I can now add all kinds of different sweet animation pieces for different spells.

So here we have a swoop of rippledoctors and the flame priest.
Hobby Report to follow


So last post I left off two game reports as I felt as though I was rambling far too much so I've returned in a soberer state of mind to finish up. My list remains relatively unchanged for the last 2 games so if you want to see it you can scroll your fat ass down to the post that has the list. These last 2 games were against the Darkster's dark elves. 

The first game had a very similar deployment to the initial game with the Darkster but since I completely failed to describe it last time I guess I'll outline it here. So my line from left to right was as follows : "Swarm" of skinks, Cold one cav (scar-vet of invincibility), Steg, saurus block, bastilidon, temple guard (Slann), and  ripple doctors. The dark elf line was a blur of cavalry units and weirdo archer bitches but I do remember the elf knights being almost directly across the table from my knights, and the dragon lord was dead center behind the front line.

As per usual the first turn was completely uneventful, some stuff probably died to shooting but whateves. Turn 2 the dragon lord solo charged the saurus, the elf knights charged my knights, who also got flank charged by a unicorn riding elf BSB. The steg stood menacingly between the 2 combats drooling while the skink crew debated charging in or not. These 2 combats were hilarious, so we started with the dragonlord who immediately got challenged by the saurus unit champion. This challenge proceeded as to be expected, the saurus champion got shredded in a heartbeat while the rest of the unit watched and laughed. The dragon lord won but the saurus were steadfast LD 10 with the BSB in range, so essentially nothing happened. The knight combat started with the unicorn rider challenging the scar-vet of invincibility, I feel like this was a stalemate challenge but there is also this part of me that remembers talking about slaying the elf BSB, so 1 of those 2 things happened. Either way, the rest of my knights promptly got slaughtered by the lance wielding elf knights. So the scar-vet of invincibility was pretty much looking for snake-eyes to hold, which he heroically got thanks to his cold-blooded roll of 1-1-3. 
So both combats remained locked, which solidified my plan of slamming the steg into the dragon the next turn. The rest of the turn was moot as this charge pretty much spelled the end of the game, the steg got 6 impact hits, with sharpened horns, this turned into 9 wounds against the dragon, it promptly died. The lord failed his roll to stay locked and booked it out of combat. This provided the steg the opportunity to charge him again the next turn which turned into the steg doing 8 wounds to him aswell. So the steg ran over both the dragon and the lord and the Darkster surrendered.

I'm gonna call this one and put the last holiday game in the next post, mainly cause I'm lazy but also because I want to keep up this kind of posting consistency. (lol hypocrisy incarnate) 


  1. Your scar-vet slew my BSB after passing all his ward saves. My guys hit like a horror-show but die like bitches. This is actually a theme of our games, so I don't think Ill challange your fucker ever again. I would rather just lance knights to death.

  2. Nice flame-hand on that skink priest. And it's always good to hear that Dark Elves got cut down doing while what they like best. That steg is horrifying with it's sharpened horns...9 wounds to a dragon! Hard to beat that output.

  3. All this is very cool. I will be expecting several spell variants for that priest, or at least a couple different colours of hand flame. I was wondering how someone would transport those doctors, but it seems like you figured it out. I'm pretty stoked to play more games against the lizards.

  4. Yeah, thats probably a good plan, that scar-vet has run up against a series of nasty opponents and lived to talk about it. Coincidentally, the steg isn't the only monster in my army with a vast array of multiple wounds D3 attacks.
    I actually just got some sweet new bits, I'm thinking about making a venom shot spell and also I was thinking about cool items I could put in his hand instead of a spell. So I'm thinking of making a dispel bit and potentially an Egg of Quango bit.
