Friday 13 February 2015


In light of the fact that I will be seeing all of you fuckers tomorrow, I figured it was time to unveil my new beasties. As a belated Xmas present to myself I purchased a real Stegadon and a Carnosaur.

Also in a surprising turn of events the gaming community here took a huge influx swell this year and we finally have enough people to sign a club charter and start hitting the school up for money to pay for tables and scenery. The vast majority are newfish 40kers but I met with one of them and told him all the shit I play and he was like "OMG fantasy is soo cool" so there is hope for the future. Although the gamers at the GW are still too fucktarded to understand how facebook works, so I have not been able to organize a friday game for myself yet.
Assemble the Monstery Hordes

In terms of assembly the carnosaur was actually quite simple as the instructions were surprisingly useful, I spent a while debating magnetizing the rider but then decided to glue instead. Also there was a couple of arms and weapons I could have used for the rider but the ones for Kroq-Gar were far too bad-freakin-ass to not use. His spear is pretty sweet but the piece du resistance is totally his claw hand, it's totally a fant-assy equivalent of a power claw.

 While this beasty is rather majestic I think the real labour of love in this duo is my steg who is 99.5% complete as I still have to make the crew modular. The main issue I was having with this kit is it came with a 2 page instruction bullshit not unlike IKEA quality instructions.

The actual monster was pretty straight forward but the howdah and what goes on it was the point of contention. The steg has the option of being mounted with an engine of the gods (as seen above) and as such can carry a skink priest around on its back. However I'm not always gonna wanna run that as I have an equally majestic Slaan to play as well. So I cracked out the magnets for this work of art.

I put 4 main magnets in the base of the howdah so that I could use them to anchor what ever it was that I wanted to mount on it. The stargate esque portions on the engine of the gods are dual purpose with the standard ancient steg build so I had to make them multipurpose. In the basic ancient steg set-up 3 of the 4 base magnets are free so I still have to make some crew that will use those but otherwise there are a few cosmetic bits and she'll be done.
I did a bunch of undercoat on my saurus and skinks, so once the assembly train comes to a stop I can transition straight into a painting fiesta. Also just for le shits I took a snap of my whole desk cause I was thinking the TK are feeling a little left out at the moment.

See all you fuckers tomorrow, and you know if there are actually peeps out on the interwebz that follow this blog...........I will find you and visit you little shits as well. NAWT......I'm too lazy for that shit, just like you creepy interweb shits are too lazy to comment.


  1. This is all a bit too cool for me right now. I like the triad of big bad dinosaurs, and that carnosaur is an amazing model. It came out with the current book?

  2. Nice dino display man. Having seen that magnetized Steg in person I can vouch for it's badassery. I'm pretty eager to get some games in when I move down to Oshawa in a week. Skaven v Lizzards is always a fun matchup.

  3. Thanks man, yeah we can have a good old fashioned big block grind fest complete with monster stomping and magic explosions
