Sunday 29 November 2015

Whole Squad on That Real Shit - Assassins Added

Hey fellas,

or whatever creepsters may be lurking this part of the internet, welcome. I just have a small painting update. For some reason the only thing I'm getting inspired to paint these days are old metal 40k models. Don't ask me why.

These two assassins have joined the mix. I realize now it's not just about painting old 40k models, but it's very satisfying to paint models that have been sitting for such a long time. Also, it will be amazing to switch back to plastic after this long stint on the metals.

They are turning out pretty well though, and I suppose they'll see the table as a kill team every once in a while. It's taking forever to get these done, but in the end, I have nothing else going on in what has become a mockery of an existence, constantly peering over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. Ahem.

No, seriously, it was fun getting these models painted. My next project will probably be a bunch o' pikemen, and I'll be testing out some speed painting techniques, as opposed to 3+ hours per figure.

Just the girls

The newest addition are these klan members. It seems to me 75% of all cultist models on the market are white supremacists, which I don't really get. I guess faces are hard to sculpt. Anyway, I didn't paint them white for obvious reasons so it's all good right? Right?

Considering what complete pieces of junk these figs are, they were fun to do. I was pretty lazy about doing all the fabric one colour, but that's because all the metals require 3 colours with some blending in between. I may go back some time in the next never and add another colour of cloth to both guys.

Lastly, I went to an Age of Sigmar tournament. Mostly I enticed Molgrimmar to hang out with me by pointing out when events in Toronto are. I took a garbage list, and all my opponents took really good lists (as if AoS wasn't shit enough, it's even more shit with all the power choices). I got a cumulative 0 points in battle for the day, came 3rd in paint (which warrants no recognition), and walked off with a best sportsman trophy.

Seriously though, that game sucks. Like, I know I didn't even try to win, and that probably influences my opinion a bit, but it's so stupid.



  1. Nice painting! Good to see those sisters finally get the attention they needed. Armour scheme and hazard-paint trim on weapons are both superb. And most cultists in this day and age are deranged white people, to be honest. #jimjones #charlesmanson

    Still working (slowly) on my kill team, should have some models up soon but they aren't in the same class as these dudes/dudettes.

    1. Yeah, but I was really thinking about getting some more cultist for a kill team. I would paint them like this though.

      So maybe not that appropriate.

  2. These are sweet man. Those sisters are looking really nice. I saw you also posted up some cult assassins on a different, more private channel usually reserved exclusively for your depraved lunacy. IN this case it was really entertaining. So Kill Teams next week then? Sounds fun.

    Ok and also why are you even trying with this AoS garbage? Its a waste of time in my opinion. There are so many better games. Surely theres folks in toronto still playing 8th ed or even 9th age Warhammer. Why not meet some new people who aren't dumb and who dont like dumb things?
