Saturday 19 March 2016

My Empire for 9th Age

With little prompting, we have almost all decided to play in a 9th age tournament. As I don't really have an army, I figured I'd cobble one together out of shit I found in the Darkster's basement. Considering he had the majority of an empire army lying around this wouldn't be totes impossible.

My list is below. As well as the models i have /need. Advice would be welcome, especially on magic items.

(2400pts) Empire of Sonnstahl \

Lords (515pts) 

Archwizard (300pts) 
Book of Arcane Power (50pts), Talisman of Supreme Shielding (50pts) Level 4 Wizard Master (30pts) Path of Alchemy

Marshal (215pts) 
EoS - The Sonnsthal (85pts), Horse (20pts), Lucky Shield (5pts), Seasoned General (10pts), Talisman of Shielding (5pts) Army General 

Heroes (300pts) 

Captain (95pts) 
Battle Standard Bearer (25pts), Plate Armour (10pts)

Preacher (105pts) 
ES - Hammer of Witches (35pts), Flail (3pts), Shield (2pts)

Wizard (100pts)
Dispel Scroll (35pts) Level 1 Wizard Apprentice Path of Light

For Heroes/Lords I only have the 2 models out of five. I need to get myself an Archwizard, a Captain and a Wizard. 

Core (605pts) 

Heavy Infantry (285pts) 
Champion (10pts), 40x Heavy Infantry (200pts), Musician (10pts), Seasoned Soldiers (40pts), Spear (20pts) Standard Bearer (25pts) War Standard (15pts)

Light Infantry (160pts) 
Champion (10pts) 20x Light Infantry (140pts) 20x Handgun

Light Infantry (160pts) 
Champion (10pts) 20x Light Infantry (140pts) 20x Handgun
For infantry my situation is a little better. I have 16 handgun nerds, and 25 spearmints. That means 24 more nerds and 15 more mints. I have 12 more dismounted dragoon models on the way so that brings the number of handguns I need down drastically.

Special (730pts)

Artillery (310pts) 
Cannon (100pts) Cannon (100pts) Mortar (110pts)

I have 2 cannons already, and this mortar thing that Ben says I can't steal. So I need a Mortar model now. 

Knightly Orders (200pts) 
Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts) 5x Knight (130pts) 5x Lance & Shield Standard Bearer (35pts) ES - Banner of the Stallion (25pts)
I'm good for knights, although their in rough conditions 

Reiters (110pts) 
Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts) 5x Reiter (90pts) 5x Light Armour, 5x Repeater Gun (15pts)

Reiters (110pts) 
Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts) 5x Reiter (90pts) 5x Light Armour, 5x Repeater Gun (15pts)

For these horse riding rifle guys I have some mounted Dragoons on the way, so I'm set there.

Rare (250pts) 

Steam Tank (250pts)
And of course I have a classic Steamy Tank.

So that's 60 models to paint. And 55 to build. It's gonna be rough if I want to play in the tournament.



  2. Hey thats all real cool. Ive apparently got a bunch of stuff left around at my place, because theres definitely a battle standard bearer and at least two wizards on foot. Also a real cool painted priest with an axe. Also, there should be something like 35 spearmen not 25.. i can check my various boxes and see whats left behind, ill send it along with the dragoons asap.
    I dont actually know about all those magic items so ill get to that later. Good luck on the painting, but what colour scheme are you going with>? keep em all blue/yellow? have some in that red/white you were talking about earlier? Ive always been partial to yellow/black.

  3. Nice! I'm super jazzed for this tourney. I have many musketeers, pikes, and pistolieros if you end up short.
    As far as items, I ended up just taking items that are the same haha. I like the scroll at 35, too. Seems one can no longer add a ruby ring to that. I also like how the points scale for ward saves.

  4. yeah ward saves are cool for 5 pts. I kinda would have liked to see 4+ regen at 45 instead of 50, because regen seems much worse than ward saves. except so much stuff has divine attacks nowadays so idk maybe they are equivalent. Also Hero's sword is totally badass. I will take that on every elf hero I can i think. Who doesnt have the cloak of twilight...
