Wednesday 20 February 2013

Aztecs are in for 15mm Ancient

Aztecs are in! Eagle Knights, Jaguar Knights and Shit!
I'll post as they get based and painted and ruleifyed.

 The Aztecs were a society of warriors. All dudes received basic military training from a young age and the only upwards social mobility was through martial prowess. This meant that the nobles were the most badass of mofos. Can't wait till everyone else gets their armys and we get playtesting our rules.

Thoughts on House Rules

This is a picture of a board we have set up at The Darkster's that displays the house rules we play with. It's a short list right now but, since its creation in the summer, new rules are being added fairly regularly.

The board is simply a piece of cardboard that we tack up to the wall. We considered making it look nicer, but is that really necessary? We're hoping to establish an online database of our house rules on this site, so look out for a link to a page of house rules.

The first rule is the reason we created the rules board to begin with. Molgrimmarr was feeling particularly crummy, losing his grey seer to the Dwellers Below, and trying to think of an alternative to pass or die rolls in Warhammer Fantasy games. I know the Fantasy league in Kingston, where I go to school, plays without the 6th spell for each lore, allowing players rolling 6 to make their choice of another spell in the lore.
We agreed that this is too extreme, and though Dwellers and Mind Raiser could be considered game breaking spells, there are sixth spells we don't want to lose such as Transformation of Kadon, and the Comet of Cassandora.

And thus we were able to agree to allow for magic-resistance saves (not ward saves, only the part specifically derived from magic resistance), against spells that deny ward saves. This seems to us to be the fairest way to fix this problem.

Thoughts on any of these rules?

Monday 18 February 2013

First Reading Week Update

So we are reunited for a week of relaxation and vigorous wargamming, I imagine that this will be the first of many posts concerning our activities.
We decided to play out the last scenario in the Dreadflleet book, the maelstrom, with Jed and I controlling the Dreadfleet and Wooster and the Darkster controlling the Grand Alliance. Unbeknownst to us, fate had decided the victor before we even began. During the entirety of the first turn not a single command check was passed, the sea giant appeared and succeeded in sinking the Skabrus. In the second turn the Black Kraken ran aground and got boarded by the alliances' two flying auxiliaries. At this point the Dreadfleet surrendered as it was obvious that Count Noctilus was unfit to lead.
This is a shot across the table, in the distance you can see a game of Battlefleet gothic between me and Molgrimmar. A more complete battle report of this game will surface later when molgrimmar uploads the pics.
 Here is a close up of my battlecruisers and my carriers closing in on his emperor class battleship.
While the space battle was on hold, Jed used some of the free space to arrange his Flames of War army, as you can see, he favours tanks over infantry.

Saturday 9 February 2013


Two of four crypteks are ready to hit the table.

Harbinger of Despair with veil of darkness

And one of my Harbingers of the Storm, with a voltaic staff

Which leaves only two more crypteks to paint up.

I found this in my attic, so I scanned it incase there was some desire for a digital copy.

Master Of Cavalry, Ready for Murder

I figure I have to get in on the first round of posts - so here's my Dark Elf Master of Cavalry.
I just put most of him together - the sword is from the empire wizards box and the pegasus is some reaper mini I snatched up as soon as I found

I had originally sprayed him with a different arm, but it didnt work out so well - so on Wooster's suggestion I added the flaming sword

The Swift Wings of Death

Friday 8 February 2013

Finished first Tomb guard model, only 19 to go

My first of many painting posts, I play Imperial Guard and Tomb Kings and I dabble in some specialist games. So I'm going to be tackling my Tomb Kings this semester, it stands mostly unpainted at this point.
This is the first of my Tomb Guard models to get painted, I did only one to test out the scheme and it turned out well so I'm going to do up the rest.

At the moment the paint scheme consist of:
 - Base coat of skull white

 - Wash in gryphonne sepia
- Pick out all the armor and weapons with chaos black
- Highlight the bandages with brown ink
- Then the hard part is doing all the gold filligree
- Then the only thing left is to add the color detail to the shield
I'm thinking about using a light wood filler to base them with sand but thats not in the picture yet.

I'll have more updates soon.

Thursday 7 February 2013

The Relief of the 101st at Bastogne

This is a Flames of War battle that simulates the  relief of the beleaguered defenders of Bastogne by the 4th Armored.

The 4th Armored has to break through the 901st Panzergrenadiers, played by The Darkster, to relieve the 101st Airborne.

The thrust for the pocket was okay, but in the end the 101st couldn't hold the line and were slaughtered.

Next time we play this scenario there'll be a few more Airborne Infantry on the table. Hopefully this will make it more balanced.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

First Post

Just to see how ridiculous this all looks.
I need emails to add contributors. I don't think they need to be gmail but if you have gmail anyways, that would probably be the better email to use.