Monday 18 February 2013

First Reading Week Update

So we are reunited for a week of relaxation and vigorous wargamming, I imagine that this will be the first of many posts concerning our activities.
We decided to play out the last scenario in the Dreadflleet book, the maelstrom, with Jed and I controlling the Dreadfleet and Wooster and the Darkster controlling the Grand Alliance. Unbeknownst to us, fate had decided the victor before we even began. During the entirety of the first turn not a single command check was passed, the sea giant appeared and succeeded in sinking the Skabrus. In the second turn the Black Kraken ran aground and got boarded by the alliances' two flying auxiliaries. At this point the Dreadfleet surrendered as it was obvious that Count Noctilus was unfit to lead.
This is a shot across the table, in the distance you can see a game of Battlefleet gothic between me and Molgrimmar. A more complete battle report of this game will surface later when molgrimmar uploads the pics.
 Here is a close up of my battlecruisers and my carriers closing in on his emperor class battleship.
While the space battle was on hold, Jed used some of the free space to arrange his Flames of War army, as you can see, he favours tanks over infantry.

1 comment:

  1. I was just lamenting that I hadn't taken many photos from the weekend.
