Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Thoughts on House Rules

This is a picture of a board we have set up at The Darkster's that displays the house rules we play with. It's a short list right now but, since its creation in the summer, new rules are being added fairly regularly.

The board is simply a piece of cardboard that we tack up to the wall. We considered making it look nicer, but is that really necessary? We're hoping to establish an online database of our house rules on this site, so look out for a link to a page of house rules.

The first rule is the reason we created the rules board to begin with. Molgrimmarr was feeling particularly crummy, losing his grey seer to the Dwellers Below, and trying to think of an alternative to pass or die rolls in Warhammer Fantasy games. I know the Fantasy league in Kingston, where I go to school, plays without the 6th spell for each lore, allowing players rolling 6 to make their choice of another spell in the lore.
We agreed that this is too extreme, and though Dwellers and Mind Raiser could be considered game breaking spells, there are sixth spells we don't want to lose such as Transformation of Kadon, and the Comet of Cassandora.

And thus we were able to agree to allow for magic-resistance saves (not ward saves, only the part specifically derived from magic resistance), against spells that deny ward saves. This seems to us to be the fairest way to fix this problem.

Thoughts on any of these rules?

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