Saturday 21 September 2013

New Arrival

I've made a new addition to my wood elf force. This instead of painting dryads, something I only dread unfortunately.

 I enjoyed the last post terrifically, so here's his story.

As is typical of her, the story must resolve around Lady Eboshi. A master of the innate magics of Athel Loren she has become cold and jaded. She summons spirits of the forest to battle only to throw them to their death, all for personal motives.

recently she has even taken to justifying the death of creatures of the forest, namely the great eagles of the pine crags, for her endeavors in battle.

In light of this the young prince of the Wind-Riders has joined her ranks. His job to see to the protection of these majestic beasts, while utilizing their amazing battlefield prowess.

Riding effortlessly, and able to use such a cumbersome weapon despite.

Armed with only two relics of his kindred: the great sword said to have been weld by the first elf to ever train an eagle well enough to ride into battle; and a sacred talisman with a protective spell said to always keep alive those able to see the world with eyes unclouded by hate.

Already proving to be more of a nuisance than an aid to Lady Eboshi, she knows it is necessary to keep young Ashitaka by her side as a sign of respect to the Sethayla kindred. On top of that, he seems to have established a relationship with San, her personal standard bearer.

Despite her protection though, I worry if this brash young prince will be able to stay alive with only his faithful eagle Yakul, neither of whom can remember a time when they did not fly together, and two relics with power only told of in myth.


  1. That is incredible... I am amazed how quickly you guys get these things built and painted. It looks great; I especially like how youve modeled it grasping some unfortunate boar

  2. That model looks really good. Man those eagle are sexy...not to mention Prince Ashitaka. Are you going to start playing a great-eagle mounted character? I'm also liking the dark edge to Wood Elf politics; every gain requires the sacrifice of what's sacred.

    1. Ya I've played him in a few games already actually. He routed a cold-one knight bus who failed a re-rolling ld 10 test, he's taken out an ironblaster, and been killed by beastmen. Static res really hurts solo characters, but I think they have a use causing havoc amongst the war machines and what-not.

      That's the eagle from the new high elf flying chariot, all in glorious plastic. And they still sell the metal ones too, as if any person will ever buy a metal eagle again.
