Thursday 3 October 2013

Apocalypse: Double Stompa Style

Some apocalypse was played a while back. Just now getting around to posting these pictures. That lovable Darkster has some turn summaries, so I won't try to remember what was going on too specifically. I'll mostly stick to a biased opinion of what was going on and let someone else flesh out the details (VPs and such).

This horror tower lived up to its image by hosting 4 creepy crypteks and a pair of obliterators at deployment.

The game was necrons/chaos marines vs. Orks (with 2 stompas!) and a small contingent of dark angels.
 I must say I much prefer the deployment of the new apocalypse, 18" no-mans-land was necessary with the changes to moving and charging, and that scatter die corner thing of the past was just a hassle.

I think this is my favorite picture of the bunch. Our glorious terrain collection really adds flavour to a mob of orks. The pillaging, burning, and woman-stealing nature of deez boyz is really enhanced by having a town to actually pillage, burn, and steal women from.

Stomp stomp stomp

STOMP STOMP STOMP!! A common theme really.

Chaos-men taking cover in a newly paved ruin.

This is really what apocalypse is about, I guess.

That was a lot of pictures of deployment, admittedly. Turn one there was a smoke screen. The target-less baneblade sat pretty, unprepared for a wave of mecha-orks behind the smoke wall.

Most of the turn one fire from our side (necrons/chaos) targeted the baby stompa. Even with a blind barrage those suckers are so huge they can't really be hidden. Despite these Orky precautions, a number of the smaller walkers were blasted back into their scrap heap and Ghazghkull's transport was set on fire, forcing him to walk the rest of the way.
"Why the hell am I alone in a field!?"



That stompa one-shotted my monolith with its massive buzz-saw hand. Impressive, no? But what the necrons lack in buzz-saw-hand-havers they make up for in sneaky old robo-wizards. Those crypteks, refusing to die at every stage of the game, focused all of their fire on the stompa, bringing it down (with a lot of help from gauss and chaos artillery) in the third turn.

At this point I will concede the cheesiness of assault 4 haywire blasters. On the other hand I put a lot of time and money into those guys and love them dearly. I won't ever play more than the squad I have, but always be wary because they're not going away any time soon.

Also, superheavies are waaaaay easier to kill now that it's just hull points. This may, or may not, be for the best. In one case Jed's two stompas would simply dominate in the old rules, but on the other hand, a baneblade is actually easier to kill than 3 rhinos since you are able to focus fire on them. And 3 rhinos is ~100 points...
Edit: No, but actually the true fuckery is that even if he kills the entire cryptek squad, they still repair. I mean, that's what you've been telling us at least.

Pano-ramo! The End of Turn 1
The Ork Lines surged forward and wiped out much of the Chaos/Necron left. Only the Chariot Lord, permanently dismounted, and a few remaining bikes faced down Ghazghkull and Co..
 Everybody loves olive drab!

"Fucking orks!" -Typhus

"Fucking necrons!" -Ghazghkull

"Yee Fucking Haw!" - Wazdakka
While everyone else was putting in real effort, Wazdakka decided to race one of the chaos bikers instead. Now it was only the Necron lord facing down his opponents' Overlord. Ghazghkull, being as he is both krafty and kunnin', declined the challenge and watched as his meganobz decimated each other due to the fucking mindscarabs.

This defiler played a small but important role in the overall massacre on the table. I think everyone can appreciate how badass it looks climbing around in the ruins though.

Rawr rawr rawr.

Pray time's over.
Found you, motherfuckers.
BTW feel free to edit around in here, or re-post with the turn summaries and VPs and whatnot. I remember the highlights but its written down somewhere so it's not my responsibility.

Edit: I put in a few pictures, and expanded the commentary.

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