Sunday 20 October 2013

Koptor Kans!!!

Look at these Krazy Koptor Kans! Dakka dakka dakka! I know there is no rules for them, but I think they're awesome anyways. I'll probs play them as Killa Kans if the guys let me.

 This one has a biting jaw, a twin assault cannon, and a twin heavy bolter with enloudener. Dakka Dakka Dakka.

 This one has an impressive array of rokkits! Fwoosh! It also has a handy dandy buzz saw for trimming off heads!

This Koptor Kan has a plethora of flame throwers. These augment the power-snippier-chainsaw-combo.
Croozin over the battlefield looking for stuff to bisect.

Run Devilfish Run!

These Crisis Suits are having a Krazy Koptor Krysis

In conclusion giant battle robots are awesome!

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