Monday 7 October 2013

Two Stompas?

Yes, you read that title right. The ever so handsome Jed McFred now owns two stompas. They are both made as Big Mek Stompas; one has a Krazy Krushing Klaw, and one is kind of disappointing. I built the dark green one from scratch and the light green one from a Games Workshop kit. Details on the construction are under the pictures. When I first started everyone (including myself) had reservations about me picking up such a large, insane project. That said, about 3/4 of the way done I would have given up if it weren't for the support of my fellow gamers. I thank them for their support and bits.
The body of the stompa is a jug of laundry detergent. I glued plates onto it until it became nigh unrecognizable. 
The claw is mostly bits of sprue built up. I have some tires there to act as joints. The buzz saw fingers are extra tracks from Flames of War models. 
I wanted the crew to be as ridiculous as possible, so a single pilot seemed in order. This ork only controls movement, one lever for stomp left, one for stomp right. The gaze of mork is a missile launcher from that new Space Marine AA vehicle.
The lifta-droppa is a series of toobs with a spiked light bulb on the end. I bent paperclips to look like crazy lightning. I should add more crazy lightning.
The Huge Ass Cannon is a tube with a pipe fitting. The giant ammunition is for a toy gun. I'm gonna add some smoke to make it look like it is ejecting the round out of the back.
Some of the parts, like this front piece were actually taken from the stompa box. We don't really like to talk about that though.
Here's the side to side comparison. It's hard to see but mine is slightly thinner and slightly longer, but overall it is on the same scale.
I also made this little Gretchen shrine of sorts.


  1. So I take it from the general stompyness of your recent posts we are going to playing apocalypse this weekend?

    Also for that lightning effect stuff, don't add any more paperclips. Use the water based greenstuff, water it down to a consistency where you can paint it on in layers then do a few coats on all of them. As it goes on try to flatten it out in areas to hide the cylindrical nature of the clips. Then base it white and wash it in a super light blue. Presto Lightning

  2. Looks pretty sweet. I love that lifta-droppa, especially that lightning. The gaze of Mork fits well and I like how his pilot/head is turtle-hunched into his collar-jaw.
