Thursday 6 February 2014

100th post: Painting King Tigers

Woot! Published post number 100!

Woo! Also we averaged 19 views/day for the last month. Guitar solo?

In this post I'll be detailing how I go about painting my Tiger IIs and, by extension, my German tanks. 

I first start off with a spray of Army Painter's "Desert Yellow". I absolutely love the Army Painter sprays; the go on with a very thin coat, getting into all the crevices without removing any detail.
I then washed the superstructure and the turrets of the tanks with a black wash, just to pick out the details. I leave the tracks because that area is going to be mostly covered.
I then painted the tracks with an iron colour, and the spaces in between the tracks and hull with a slightly watered down black. This is just to get the shadows right and to cover up any molding issues (Forged in Battle tanks have their tracks built on). When the tracks are dry I give them a wash of black to accentuate the individual treads.
Then I did the details and camouflage. I mixed a grey for the tank commander clothes and painted his hair basically the same color as the tank. His skin is slightly lighter. I did little white dots for his eyes then used more black wash to cover up any little mistakes I made.
For the final stage I took a flesh colour and dry-brushed the desert yellow parts and I washed where the camouflage met any crevices. 

I'm painting each tank differently as I'll often be playing the new Panzer Ausbildungs Abteilung Fünfhundert (or as I pronounce it Panzer Asperger's Aqualung Fun-Fun-Dirt). 
Here's what they look like so far;

I have one more painted, but Molgrimmarr stole it to defeat some 'Mericans. Everyone has to wait 'till he posts a picture, or I steal it back.

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