Tuesday 11 November 2014

De Bellis Antiquititties

Check out these sweet DBA pics!

Molgrimmar and I managed four games this past weekend, and are drawn at two games a piece. Too bad really, since I was prepared to declare myself the winner of a best 2 of 3, but I took a beating in game four, so the grudge continues...

I also went to a one day tournament in Kingston, playing wood elves. The 2500 point list was, in brief, was a lvl 4 shadow, lvl 1 fire, and bsb on horses. Two 12s of glade guard and one glade rider unit. Two 5s of wild riders, 5 bitches, several scouts, 14 waywatchers, two eagles and treeman.

I didn't take any pictures, but I'll throw in some spoOOooky Mordheim pictures to whet your palate.

Game one I played against warriors with a skullcannon of khorne, which is illegal UNLESS you have a shiny new $100 endtimes book to verify to your opponents that combined chaos legions is a real list, so yeah. Turn one I killed 6 chaos knights and a chariot, and got his disk rider lord down to 1 wound. Then the rain (reign?) of chaos systematically burned every unit of mine with toughness 3 and no armour (most of them). Despite that, I was feeling okay about the game, until I failed for 5 turns to shoot off the last wound on the disk lord, who turned my sorceress to gold on turn 5. It was a decent game, and I hate to complain, but it is frustrating to outmaneuver ones opponent only to lose to some well timed 6s.

Game two was against orcs, 60 savage orcs to be specific. It was good, my opponents didn't really know the rules, but not in a way that affected the game all that badly, just little things like neglecting to keep his units an inch apart. I won this one by 200 points, but two goddamn goblins in the watchtower net him a bonus 500, so I got a minor loss.

Game three against lizardmen he cascaded his slann turn one, and the rest was routine mopping up. I felt bad, but one can only feel so bad while shooting lizards. I felt good when treeman raped a scar veteran and chased some knights off the table =D. Overall I scored 30 battle points in three games, not too shabby.

Also, I bought some flowers. Tiny flowers.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you should grab a shiny new $100 endtimes book. Those are sweet pics all round, that Mordheim was extra-spooky for Halloween. And that Bellis Antiquitits is a lot of fun, I should have the army fully painted soon.
