Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Warmasters' Challenge Team Tournament

Hey guys! Long time no post for me, unfortunately.

I've been to two warhammer fantasy tournaments, but instead of talking about them while they were fresh in my memory, I intend to mention both now...

The first was the warmasters' doubles, that Molgrimmar and I teamed up for. It was 2400 points comprised of two 1200 point lists, but otherwise everything was treated as if it were a single force. That means one general, one BSB, no weirdo splitting of power dice, etc.

Pretty sexy army display. There were a few actually, one with a full sized dwarf dirigible.

Our list was wood elves and skaven approximately as follows:

Wood elf sorceress general, lvl 4 shadow, on a horse
2x 12 glade guard with never missing
5 bitches of anraheir
5 wild riders
9 waywatchers

Skaven chieftan BSB
30 slaves
24(?) plague monks
60 clan rats
2 giant rat packs
2 cannons

I may have missed something in the skaven portion of the list.

Rats vs. Skeletons in what critics are calling the longest grind imaginable.

Game 1: We played against a combined warriors and beastmen with maybe a splash of daemons but definitely all nurgle chaos army. They had two blocks of warriors, one with and one without Festus, a Murder-taur (I think it's actually called a doombull), a warshrine, some dogs, and some kind of 9 wound motherfucker called Orgutts Daemonspew.

Turn one they get a box cars magic phase and put bloodletters in front of our cannon/ archer bunker, then he rolls his shrine and turns both festus and the unit champion into daemon princes. Then they pushed forward and killed all of our shit. My sorceress managed to slink away, as she does, and they had no shooting or magic missiles to deal with that. I also managed to shoot their minotaur general to death. All in all we got our shit pumped by two free daemon princes and many free bloodletters.

Game 2: We got matched against a combined dwarf and undead army. They had skeletons, zombies, more zombies, dwarves with great weapons, different dwarves with great weapons, dwarves with guns, two gyrocopters, terrorgeist, vargheists (big flying bat ogres), no warmachines though.

We deployed it right, pitting myself against the dwarves and Molgrimmar against the undead. Dwarves are just too slow and I was able to encircle and shoot them all to pieces by the end of the game. 

The vargheists made a long bomb charge into plague monks, did almost nothing, then got flailed by ravenous rats. A combined gaze of nagash and terrorgiest scream only killed two wild riders, allowing the wild riders to take out the terrorgeist.

There was a big grind of clan rats vs skeletons but in the end both units held fast.

Solid win for the good guys!

A scene of jollity for game 3

Gamre 3: Was against none other than Will Paul and Andrew Weber playing nurgle/slaanesh daemons. Huge thing of plaguebearers, huge thing of daemonettes, 2x 6 boob snakes, 3 bigger boob snakes, beasts of nurgle, nurglings, and a khorne cannon.We eeked this one out, and with only a tiny bit of cheating at that. Turns out 60 clanrats with mind raiser kills most anything. Who would have guessed?

Game 4: We played Ricky and Ron with brets and dwarves. They had one killer lance of doom, one enormous block of dwarf crossbows, peasants, and 4 warmachines in the form of 2 trebs, cannon, organ gun.

The warp lightning anti-battery worked perfectly, taking out the organ gun in one go. We then peppered the knight bus, and exhaustingly threw units at it trying to cast mind raiser. We only succeeded once, no thanks to some shady behaviour on Ron's part, but got all the knights in the end.

This one was a perfect draw.

Overall we came 8th of 24 teams. Top third! But most importantly had fun, dawwww.

Within a week or so I'll try to post about this canhammer team tournament I went to as well.


  1. Our glory shall go down in the annals of the Internet. That tournament was a lot of fun. Our rats and Wood Elf combo was derided by some, but we actually did better than any of the naysayers. We got destroyed harder in game 1 than any other game (not counting turn 1 wizplosions), but did pretty well overall.

  2. By "Bigger Boob Snakes" do you mean dragon ogres?

  3. Also 60 clan rats with mind raiser seems almost unfair, I would just resort to drain magic

  4. No, there were literally monstrous cav boob snakes. The exact same fucking beast and purpose but larger. It's actually really weird that they exist. And man did those rats have a good time! Good thing, cause my assassin has officially become a skilled sucker of assholes.

  5. Okay but I want to know what the actual unit is called so I can go look at it, was it a boobysnake chariot? Wooster care to weigh in here?

    1. I think they were supposed to be fiends: http://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/Fiend-of-Slaanesh-1-WH

      But he was using this model; http://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/Lord-of-Slaanesh
