Thursday 25 February 2016

Sewer Scavengers

As cool as 15mm (or 10 or 6, no not 6) is for actually gaming, I can't get over how much fun 28s are to paint. I picked up these sewer scavengers essentially for no reason at all. I know they'll get used for some sort of Jak themed sci-fi skirmish, one way or another.

This band of merry men is like 99.9% painted. I'll probably never finish them. Such is life. The models are crooked dice sewer scavengers.


The other day I left work, feeling very sick, only to come home to a box of shiny new 15mm saumrai from Peter Pig. I bought them for dba, list IV-59(b), which is post mongol invasion Japan (around 1300-1500). All the samurai are blades, mounted samurai are cav, ashigaru are whatever they're equipped with (light spear in this case), and the warrior monks are warbands. It seems like a fun list, probably plays exactly like polybian romans, and should be very powerful against other infantry based lists.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Some 6 Pounders

Look! I've got some 6 lbsers now. I added them to my 1420 point Canadian Infantry list. I like the addition.
They're very useful for defending my infantry from assaults. They're a nice round anti-tank 11. I'm a big fan of AT 11. It's perfect for dealing with those pesky late war Shermans and StuGs. I like AT 9 guns like the 7.5cm infantry guns of the Germans for defending against tank assaults but I've found them lackluster when it comes to actual ranged shootin.

Their only downside is that they can't fire bombardments. I was also looking at putting something like mortars in the list instead, which would allow me to pin as much as I want, but despite my Fireflies I feel I don't have enough anti-tank.

The difference between AT 10 on the Shermans and AT 11 on the 6 lbsers feels huge. Against an Up-armoured Easy 8 it allows you to destroy it at range, which is very handy. Plus it prevents almost anything from getting a save from side shots, which ensures my infantry's safety.
Model wise, you'll notice that these guys don't have gun sheilds. That's entirely cause I got them for free. A guy in my gaming group bought some of the plastic soldier company miniatures to use to make 6 Pounder GMCs. His turned out cool, but he used the gun sheilds. That's okay though, cause it means free guns for Jed.

However, the guns need gun sheilds. My plan is pretty simple: make shittay ones out of cardboard, then make little cam nets to throw over the guns. I'll post pics as it goes. I figure, worst case, 7 dead in horrible cardboard accident, and I'm out some free models.

Finally. Blogger deleted my last post. It was mostly me rambling about how awesome gaming is. It's lost forever now, remember it fondly.

Jed out mother fuckers.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Battle Report on My New Table

So this was my first game on my new table. Here it is, all set up looking pretty. Ther's a couple of the starter set houses that I hate on it, but those will disappear within the first few turns as I got frustrated then bought real ones.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Some Painting

It's a shame they killed warhammer because these models are damn sexy.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Laying Sod

The rumors are true; I have built a 4x6 wargaming table. It is seen below in its true glory. 
Unfortunately it is still in it's penultimate stage. I was planning to make it 4 x 8 so I'd have a surplus of 2x2 squares for different options, but unfortunately I ran out of flock and glue. The flock thing and glue I bought seems to be more suited to a 4x6 rather than 4x8. 

I digress, what I meant to post here was a sweet series of pics describing my building process. Consequently get comfy, cause this shits bigger than most "all you can eat Chinese buffet" shits.

Monday 1 February 2016


Just a quick post saying I've recently purchased a model to replace the AOP I never bought for my Canadian Armoured Recce Sqn. 

Do you think it's a satisfactory substatute for a Flames of War, Auster AOP?
Cause I think it do's.