Once again the christmas season brings us nerds back together to celebrate the oldest of holidays traditions: avoiding our families like the plague, drinking to excess while playing board games, arguments that turn into yelling matches, the Darkster's witchery, more arguments, and lots of WARHAMS.
Since I have to trek home for the holidays I decided to lighten the load this year and only bring home my Lizardmen army. The first couple of weeks back I got in 4 games, 1 against Wooster's Wood (w)Elves, 1 against Wooster's Chaos Warriors, and 2 against Darksters Dark (d)Elves. Unfortunately I was too distracted by my raging Fanta-boner to take pictures of those games but I'll give a short summary of each.
My 2400 Pt list for the holidays
Slann (super dispel, loremaster high magic, other bells and whistles)
Scar-vet on cold one (armour of destiny, GW)
Skink Priest lvl 1 beast DS
Naked Scar-vet for pts fill
Block of Saurus
3x12 man skink skirmishers
7 Knights
Block of Temple Guard
Ancient Steg