Tuesday 13 January 2015

Holiday Debauchery

Once again the christmas season brings us nerds back together to celebrate the oldest of holidays traditions: avoiding our families like the plague, drinking to excess while playing board games, arguments that turn into yelling matches, the Darkster's witchery, more arguments, and lots of WARHAMS. 

Since I have to trek home for the holidays I decided to lighten the load this year and only bring home my Lizardmen army. The first couple of weeks back I got in 4 games, 1 against Wooster's Wood (w)Elves, 1 against Wooster's Chaos Warriors, and 2 against Darksters Dark (d)Elves. Unfortunately I was too distracted by my raging Fanta-boner to take pictures of those games but I'll give a short summary of each.

My 2400 Pt list for the holidays
Slann (super dispel, loremaster high magic, other bells and whistles)
Scar-vet on cold one (armour of destiny, GW)
Skink Priest lvl 1 beast DS
Naked Scar-vet for pts fill
Block of Saurus
3x12 man skink skirmishers
7 Knights
Block of Temple Guard
Ancient Steg 

Important note before continuing, the Darkster has a new DE list that features a fancy new dragon lord, you know if anyone else took some time to put their shit up here I wouldn't have to tell you whats in their armies.

Anyways, the first game against the Darkster is a little fuzzy in my memory but I remember the dragon running around killing stuff and far too many bolt throwers. The bastillidon died turn 1, I wiffed the winds of magic for several turns, my knights may have all died in there somewhere. In the end I surrendered so that I could focus more on drinking.

The second game was against Wooster's Wood (w)Elves, this game is significantly more clear in my memory but I feel that may be because the Darkster was no longer witching me.

I lined up on the 12" line so I could close as fast as possible, Wooster deployed in a typical avoidance set-up (aka hide as long as possible). I can't remember who went first but I surged forward and got shot alot, nothing spectacular happen in the magic phase. My ancient steg, the saurus block, and the rippledoctors went up the left flank into Wooster's skirmishers and eternal guard. The center of my line was made up of the bastilidon, the temple guard, and the knights and they just trundled forward. The right side was a swarm of skinks (guys.... they have "swarms") that marched into range and started hucking javelins at elves.

Turn 2 featured the rippledoctors eating some skirmishers, the steg trampling some more skirmishers, the knights got locked with the eternal guard who are annoyingly stubborn on LD 9. The middle just trundled forward again, and the right side kept hucking javelins. In Wooster's magic phase, he got off the purple sun but rolled a misfire and it bumbled around in his army. Essentially the elves were slowly getting pinned into the back right hand corner of the board, things were looking up at this point.

Turns 3, I was finally gonna get into combat with real units of elves but Wooster flew in 3 eagles to block my whole center from charging so I spent a turn slaughtering eagles. The next turn was supposed to see me victorious but Wooster borrowed some witchy dice from the Darkster and snuck his sorceress up the side of my line and purple sunned my whole army. My bastillidon, my temple guard, my stegadon, and my saurus all died outright. I think the slann survived but I had already surrendered at this point.

The third game was against Wooster's Chaos warriors, this game we played and the local nerd store. The first turn was uneventful as both of the combat armies trundled forward, and I don't remember anything happening in magic. I've only just realized that I don't actually remember in what order stuff happened so I'm just gonna break down all the cool fights and leave it at that.

The stegadon blew up some random stuff, a chimera, and proceeded to fail a bunch of easy charges. The temple guard/slann unit got charged by the skull crusher/bsb unit, I feel like the crushers wiffed a bit the first turn (wiffing for crushers is only killing 5-7 guys) and also tooks some damage from the temple guard. The most important thing in that fight was that the slann remembered to use his 1 attack and managed to finish off a crusher before it attacked, so now the slann will remember to boot-kick the enermy forever. The Chaos knights charged my kinigits and slaughtered all of them except the scar-vet who was in a "challange" with the chaos sorcerer/ess. This combat featured a unit of flanking skinks who charged in, then ran away, only to charge in again. The challenge lasted for the rest of the game as both characters were virtually indestructible.

Then as 4 of us were able to gather all at once we played a wicked sick game of BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC!!!!!! So we did the exterminatus mission with  Molgrimmar and myself as the defenders of a planet with Wooster and the Darkster as the invading scum. In the end the defenders could not hold and the planet was lost but the defending fleet did have some minor victories. The tomb ship was annihilated (I'm pretty sure its the first time I've ever seen it die), the chaos fleet was held off entirely on the flank, but a single scythe cruiser slipped through the Imperial cordon and delivered its deadly payload of EES(Exploding Eyeball Syndrome) viruses to the planet.

I'm sorta just rambling at this point so I'm gonna call this a post and save the rest of the pictures and the last 2 games vs the Darkster for the next post.


  1. Nice pics! It's too bad I didn't get to play Fantasy with your lizard-wizards. I do enjoy playing against the not-elves. And that was a rompin-stompin game of Gothic. Nice pics!

  2. Lizardmen is truly one of the most enjoyable opponents. They're very hard to shift and magic well, but don't dance around and kill your stuff turn one (I prefer to keep that business to my side of the table).

    I gotta start taking more pictures of games, or post painting or something. Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

    And gothic works much better for crazy multiplayer than other games, it seems. That said, we need to throw down a huge fantasy game. I want to try out the new Alarielle and perhaps Nagash, Archaon, etc.
