Monday 19 January 2015

Post-holidays Gaming

It seems that Jake has been the sole poster for a while...kudos to him for getting those pics up, and shaming me into action! I didn't play much fantasy over the break, but I got a few games of FoW in at Frere du Battaile, and recently partook in one hell of a mega-battle down at Fandom II. 

My opponent's well-painted, much-hated AOP.

First the flames-games. Up against a old nemesis of mine, who first tried out a very sexy-looking US light armour company. Chaffees, Priests, M10s, and Greyhound ACs were all squeezed into this showcase of American late-war vehicles. I was running a classic infantry remaining locked into their foxholes all game while .50 cal fire screamed through their sandbags. It was up to my fearless StuGs to save the day! That game ended in a victory for me...while a cool list, the US light tanks simply didn't have the staying power to win a slugfest in a valley.

The next game he brought out a more reasonable list...armoured rifles, if I remember correctly. My infantry saw more play in this game, and it was a tight one. The clock ran down, and while he was willing to call a draw I admitted a narrow defeat due to my being pinned down in a good-looking village and my flank charge being narrowly defeated by MG fire from Priest armoured artillery. A tip of the hat here to Frere du Battaile in Gatineau, QC...their terrain and tables are hands-down the best I have ever seen in a gaming store, whether you want to play Fantasy, Flames, or a fully modular 40k cityfight.

Finally the mega-battle. 6000pts per side, with Shooster, Darkster, and I facing off against two of the better Warhammer players in Ontario. Skaven, Chaos, and Dark Elves up against Bretonians and Nurgle Daemons with Epidemius. First the good news: my rats, engaged from turn one, held for the rest of the game with my 3 characters in the unit lasting an unprecedented 3-4 turns in combat with a Bret lord (amongst other shit). My cannons performed admirably, bagging a soulgrinder and knights-galore. The Darkster's crossbows shredded an entire knight unit, while Shooster's Chimera managed to kill a unit of Plaguebearers and bring a Great Unclean One down to two wounds.

The bad news was almost everything else. Sticking to the absurd: my assassin rolled two ones for his weeping blade's multiple wounds w/ potion of strength, and the Bret lord lived happily ever after. Darkster failed a stubborn ld.10 check twice with his BSB looking on, and Shooster's unit of Khorne juggernaughts whiffed in the most spectacular fashion I have ever seen from such monsters...not a wound. All in all it was a very enjoyable and friendly game. We proceeded to get exceptionally hammered downtown, our opponents somehow managing to wake up at 9am the next morning and go win a 40k tournament while hung over beyond belief.


  1. That all sounds sooo badasss, that first pic with the stugs holding the valley against the waves of dirty american vehicles is pretty wicked sick. From the sounds of that fantassy game, those 2 guys have mightier witchy powers that the Darkster eh?

  2. Thanks man! Eh...those guys are honestly just really fucking good. The nurgle list was dir-tay, even by Nurgle Daemon standards...he ran a huge number of "Beasts of Nurgle" which have a mind-breaking statline. The Darkster seems to be running low on witch-juice these days...perhaps his woman frowns on regular virgin sacrifices?

  3. I love those ploughed fields. So simple, so effective, so easy to lay models upon.
    Also if anybody does want to play some modular 40k city fight, there's a new necron codex right around the corner (like next week or something) and I'm looking for a reason to buy it.

    1. Yeah we should really get some of those. I think they're rubber sheets of boot-mat, like we had in elementary school.
