Thursday 26 December 2013

Ahh Christmas

Merry Christmas Everybody! 
Our family has a Christmas scratch card traidition and I should have won a lot of money this year. Har Har Har. But more seriously, I need to talk about wargaming. I have finished a few more High Elves, and a couple of the unit fillers that I'm gonna put behind my goddamn flag so things can actually rank up. I think I wanna play these guys in two 6x4 units. This will give me 18 guys shooting (3 ranks of 6) and 24 guys defending (unless they're gunned down). This will give me 636 points of core in my 2400 point list. The rest of my army will consist of Phoenix Guard of varying Phoenixeyness. Look on the Warhammer Army Lists page to see the whole list.
Furthermore, I got an engraving tool for Christmas so I decided to try something new with the plain shields. The engraving tool is on the left there. I did one guy where I tried to engrave a dragon and water into his shield to match the other seaguard. It turned out okay, but only from a distance. I decided to just carve in the water and paint on some variety of dragon. The dude-bro with the carved dragon is below.
Pretty cool from a distance, eh? Well here he is close up.
Not quite as cool. It doesn't help that he is almost entirely unpainted otherwise. The picture also kinda sucks up the depth of the engraving.

On a less wargamey topic, I built a sweet snow fort of doom. I call it Fort Jedsworth, I built it around our backyard fire pit so I have a sweet warm fortress from which one can laugh at the proletariat. 
The walls of the citadel are about 4 feet high, with the exterior wall at 2 feet high.
Its got chairs, a wooden door, and a covered bar for your vodka.

It snowed again today so I had an opportunity to make it even more spectacular. I really want to have a sweet fire here on new years.

Lastly, I wanted to link to this comic, but couldn't find any justification.

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