Saturday 14 December 2013

Kill Teams Challenge

Okay you fuckers. I'm challenging Wooster Shooster, Molgrimmarr, The Darkster and Jake to the ultimate kill team extravaganza. I believe I can make a 200 point kill team that will crush any 200 point team you poo-says can bring to the table.
Here is your chance to prove me wrong. I am offering a bottle of Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut to the winner of the "Ultimate Kill Team Round Robin". I have randomly determined the order of play and have built the rules off what I have play tested with Shooster and The Darks.

Order of Play
Round followed by who's playing who.
  1. The Darkster is building the tables for Me vs. Jake and Molgrimmarr vs. Woost
  2. Woost is building the tables for The Darkster vs. Jake and Me vs. Molgrimmarr
  3. Jake is building the tables for The Darkster vs. Molgrimmarr and Me vs. Woost
  4. Me is building the tables for Molgrimmarr vs. Jake and The Darkster vs. Woost
  5. Molgrimmarr is building the tables for Me vs. The Darkster and Jake vs. Woost\

  1. Tables will be 4'x3' and will consist of half of the realm of battle. They are set up as one realm of battle which is then split in half.
  2. At the beginning of the round, all four players roll off The person with the highest roll picks the 3' table edge that they will be playing from. Their partner gets the side across from them. The higest roll of the other two players than picks their side.
  3. The person did not pick their side then rolls a D6 for the objective of the mission. Consult the table below.
  1. Units within coherency will be considered as part of a "Fire-Team" 
  2. Hits to "Fire-Teams" use the wound allocation rules for squads with any member of the "Fire-Teaam" allowed to take a "look out sir" roll of a 6+ if they are not normally entitled "look out sir".
  3. Models within a "Fire-Team" can use the highest leadership in the "Fire-Team"
  4. Shooting over 12" will be considered long range and units firing at long range will suffer a -1 to hit penalty unless they are in a "Fire-Team"
  5. Moving and shooting will be an additional -1 to hit penalty regardless of whether or not a model is in a "Fire-Team".
  6. When a "Fire-Team" suffers a hit they must immediately take a leadership test . If they fail they must "go to ground". If they pass they can still choose to go to ground.
Additional Rulez
  1. If you require a 7+ to hit, you need to roll a 6+ followed by a 4+
  2. Hot-Shot Lasguns have the "Gets Hot" special rule
  3. First Blood (the first wound caused) is + 1 Victory Point (where Victory Points apply)
  4. Killing the enemy's commander is +1 Victory Point (where Victory Points apply)
  5. If all the other players agree you pulled some sweet ass shit you get +1 Victory Point (where Victory Points apply) and the admiration of your fellow gamers.
  1. Deathmatch The Kill Teams are pitted against each other in a battle to the death. Quite simply, the last man standing wins. The person who picked sides deploys first (24" of no man's land) and goes first.
  2. VIP The Kill Teams must capture the VIP and bring him back for interrogation. Deploy a VIP model at the center of the table. In order to move the VIP roll 1D6 for each friendly model in base contact with him at the beginning of your movement phase. You can move up to the highest dice number rolled. The person who picked sides deploys first (24" of no man's land) and goes first. No model may be deployed within 18" of the VIP. 
  3. Cash Grab The Kill Teams must fight to capture as many resources as possible within the game length. The person who is not playing randomly deploys 13 markers over the 3'x4' table. Each marker is worth 1 Victory Point. A marker is picked up by a model that moves over it. When a model dies it drops its markers, leave the model knocked over to indicate where the markers are. The person with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins. The person who picked sides deploys first (30" of no man's land) and goes first. The game uses the random game length rules.
  4. Scary Shit The Kill Teams must fight to capture some scary shit at the center of the board and those who discovered it. Place a suitable objective at the center of the board. This objective will be worth 5 points. Place 5 terrified guardsmen around the objective. These guardsmen are worth 3 point to the team that has captured them at the end of the game or 1 point for the person who killed them during the game. Terrified guardsmen move D6 in a random direction between each player turn unless within 2" of a controlled model. If they are within 2" of a model, the player who is control of that model controls them. Controlled guardsmen move normally but may not shoot and will become terrified if the model controlling them gets into assault. The person with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins. The person who picked sides deploys first (30" of no man's land) and goes first. The game uses the random game length rules.
  5. Strewn Wreckage A ship has broken up and strewn classified data over the area, the kill teams must fight to capture it. The person not playing places 5 objectives randomly over the board. Each objective is worth 3 Victory Points. The person with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins. The person who picked sides deploys first (30" of no man's land) and goes first. The game uses the random game length rules.
  6. Chaos Reigns All hell has broken loose. The Kill Teams must fight for as many objectives as they can. Use the objectives from missions 3,4 and 5.  The person with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins. The person who picked sides deploys first (30" of no man's land) and goes first. The game uses the random game length rules.
So there's everything. Post your comments and if I feel they are valid I'll update the rules. We'll post the results when it happens.


  1. I'm pumped for this, the new Tau book has so much new cool infantry wargear. That bottle deserves to go to the greater good! What rules are we using for the kill teams for selection? Like, can we take individuals or still squads? Multi-wound models? Can we use HQ or vehicle models? I don't have a rulebook or good pdf at the moment so I'll need some rules here...

    Also, I love the rules and to hit modifiers. Can markerlights be used to remove the -1 for shooting while moving? (Remembering that the firer must still be stationary, as it's a heavy weapon.)

  2. It's 0 HQ, 0-1 Elites, 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Fast Attack, 0 Heavy Support.
    No 2+ Saves
    Total vehicle armor must be less than 33
    You also hand out 3 different special rules to three different models.
    Look on the Kill Teams page for examples.

  3. This page? \/

    Sounds good...

    1. Cool I didn't know that existed. So we can take a single rhino!

    2. And would the markerlight make them ignore the move at bs 4?

    3. And lol at the shit about conversions and sportsmanship. Sorry for being a comment whore.

    4. Yeah I got linked to some other "Rules of Engagement" for games at Warhammer World...even for GW it kinda shocked me at how assy it was. If you have not attached pieces of the kit, a model is invalid. They state how 2-3 scarabs is not really a swarm, and thus does not count, etc...

      Basically for markerlights I was thinking that a squad leader could hang back and markerlight-support his squad as they advance. Probably won't afford one in 200pts so don't worry about it.

      Now, I'm assuming that given the rules above bout fire teams that models don't need to stay in squad coherency, but we still buy them as full squads, right? This is the main point I'm confused on.

    5. Uh yeah just realized how derpy my markerlight question was...whoops.

  4. So what army is everybody using for their kill team? Considering I only have 1 choice it seems fair for me to know
