Oop look at me slinking back from the holidays with zero blog action. I spent the holidays reveling in absurd amounts of debauchery, while guiltily reverting to a blog lurker. Now that the holidays are over, I'll be back in my regular blogging schedule, which is whenever I fuckin feel like it.
The most important thing about the holidays is my annual xmas gift to myself. This year the bill ran up to 277$ which covered a box of Temple Guard, a box of Skinks, a Bastiladon (Venusaur), a Slann Mage-Priest, and a Skink Priest. Normally this annual gift is fun and exciting but this year swiping the plastic was painful, as the bastard children at GW are money grubbing price whores. The slann was
60$ by itself, it is a finecast which means there aren't any extra cool bits, and I'm pretty sure GW makes sure that every single fine-cast sprue has been carefully broken in the most crucial area. All my bitching aside, the other kits are wonderful displays of plastic models that come with an
eye-gougingly wonderful amount of extra fiddly bits. In an inebriated hazy stupor I rushed to assemble all the models so that I could use them to crush elves. In some later posts I'll do some battle reports, they will be glorious stories filled with elf crunchy goodness and a shameful story of a scar-vet that shit the bed against some puny hex-wraith droppings.
The Slann finecast required a small amount of green-stuffing to fix the inconsistencies created by the semi-autistic mold operator at GW.
The Skink-Priest was much more satisfying to build, it continues to boggle my mind as to how GW can create such nice plastic models then bungle the finecast so horribly.
The Bastiladon and the Temple Guard are finished as well but I'm too fucking lazy to take pictures now, so your disgusting imagination will have to do for the time being.
FULLY PAINTED SKINKS WOOT ...........also the bastiladon