Phase 1: Talk about new German Infantry models I purchased.
Phase 2: Pontificate my new-found affection for early war Finnish in Flames of War.
Phase 3: Try to justify piercing my friend's nipple with a safety pin when we were fucked up.
I have a lot of work ahead of me.
First, those new Germans. I bought the platoon from a guy for $30 painted and assembled.

Pretty good deal if you ask me. They're painted better than I'd ever paint 15mm infantry. The only big issue is that they are from mid war as opposed to late and are therefore lacking some panzershrecks/fausts. Molgrimmar has some extra fausts/shrecks which I should be able to add in some crazy way.
Second, this last weekend me and Woost went to Ottawa to visit the Darkster. We determined that we should all start early war this summer in an effort to bring Woost into FoW. Looking for an army I thought I'd go with something a little different. No one else in our little gaming commune plays a fortified company and the only early war fortified company I can find is Finnish. As such I'm thinkin a list like this:
Confident Veteran | Mannerheim Line Strongpoint Fortified Line | Finnish Early-War |
Fortified Company |
Platoon | Qty | Unit | Points | ||
Headquarters | |||||
| 2 1 | Cmd Rifle team Trench Line | 35 | ||
Combat Platoons | |||||
| 1 4 2 2 | Cmd Rifle team Rifle team HMG Pillbox Trench Line | 250 | ||
| 1 4 2 2 | Cmd Rifle team Rifle team HMG Pillbox Trench Line | 250 | ||
Fortifications | |||||
| 4 1 | Gun Pit Trench Line | 25 | ||
| 2 1 | Gun Pit Trench Line | 15 | ||
| 4 | Anti-tank Obstacle | 400 | ||
| 2 | Minefield | 100 | ||
| 12 | Barbed Wire Entanglement | 120 | ||
| 3 | Trench Line | 15 | ||
Divisional Support | |||||
| 5 | T-26 | 240 | ||
| 1 2 | Cmd Rifle team 45 PstK/37 (45mm obr 1937) gun | 100 | ||
| 1 6 1 | Cmd Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Rifle team Pioneer Supply Horse-drawn wagon | 175 | ||
| 1 1 1 4 | Cmd Rifle team Staff team Observer Rifle team 76 K/02 gun | 275 | ||
Company Points: | 2000 |
The important part is all those defenses. I better get started on those shits if I don't want to be behind when the time comes to lay it on the table. The coolest thing about this list is the minefields/AT obstacle combo. With both I can block off 56" of table, forcing tanks to move through the minefields. Combine this with barbed wire and gun emplacements and it's WWI all over again.
Finally, me and some buddies from school went out on Monday night. It was a typical Monday night at the clubs; no one was out because it was Monday. Fuckin Mondays. Anyways, after almost getting in a fight with the four other people in the club (I don't even know how this happened), we left and decided to go to a pub to get some beer. We felt slightly better about ourselves so we issued my good friend Pauly G a challenge. If he were to escort a lady to her chamber, we would bestow upon him $40. If he were to fail in his quest, we were to pin him to the ground and stick a safety pin through his nipple. I'll let my audience guess what transpired.
So I lied, that's not the last thing I wanted to say. I want to demand of my associates that we each post at least once a week. A 5 post a week blog sounds great and 1 post a week isn't that hard to muster. We can do it!
Man that sounded lame.
I was able to watch about 4 minutes of that shreck musical. What has our society come to? I'll bet you people paid $50+ to see that.
ReplyDeleteI was able to watch Pauly G until you hear Jed insist that the pin be closed, which was the funniest part to me. I'll try to post more soon, I've been pretty much postless for awhile which is not cool.
ReplyDeleteI realized what it was when youtube loaded and closed the tab. Also, I'm gonna pressure woost into buying more chaos instead because fant-assy is way cooler than FoW.
ReplyDeletelol I'm surprisingly close. Low model count army = winning. But what I do still need is the pricey stuff :(.