Wednesday 29 January 2014

Well, Well, Well

I made this and finished painting it yesterday. I think it looks pretty good. I've been saying for ages that what with having several  cottages and fences, all we need to flesh out a little fantasy (or whatever) town is more details like barrels, boxes, a well perhaps.

This well looks kind of derpy, but we can just assume that the poor shit farmers who drink its e-coli infested waters can't afford any better. It's made out of a chopped up white eraser, chop sticks from some take-out I had, and old magic cards that are worth less than the card they're printed on.

Eraser makes really good stones actually, and hardens up nice when it soaks up glue. I can pretty easily do sloppy stone/brick if anybody has an idea for more terrain like this.

I also have the base colours done on these 4 warriors. It turned out how I wanted essentially. The blue is a GW oxide wash that I was skeptical to buy, but don't regret. I tried making my own oxide wash from hawk turquoise and it was okay, but needed two or three layers. Lots of work to mix. In the end I would rather just buy something that I know will look right.

And I couldn't make up my mind between grey and brown for the capes and fur, so I went with both. I'll just mix it up and hopefully it looks good. Army cohesiveness is important, but these guys have no real reason to coordinate their cloaks in the way empire soldiers would, for example.

Anyhoo I like the idea of more posts. Even if it seems kind of underwhelming, I know I personally need my daily fix and if not here I'll be reading some other dude's blog. May as well read/look at stuff that I may some day play with as well.

EDIT: Dwarves anyone?


  1. Those are fucking sexy warriors, yeah I'm finally finding time to paint so I might be posting more

  2. The well looks derpy in terms of the general photo-realism of the wargames you guys play. But really it looks straight out of something cell-shaded like wind waker.
