Wednesday, 28 August 2013

More stompa pics.

Painting on the stompa has been slow going thus far; it is pretty fucking big. I've been working on it one section at a time and have almost completed the body. What's not shown is the back (which requires some work still) and you don't get a good look at the guns (which require starting.)
 As a stomping effigy I figured it was only appropriate to have Waaagh emblazoned across the chest of this behemoth. I think I'm going to do the jaw in grey and the Gaze of Mork in copper. I'm going to leave the huge radar dish green with some obvious scorch marks.
I don't know how I feel about those horns though. I'm asking myself, why are there horns where guns are supposed to be? In my humble opinion, wherever this bad-ass looks should be dakka-ed and dakka-ed hard.

Any opinions?

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Friday, 16 August 2013

Chugging Along

The end of the summer is timing itself not bad with the last few parts of this wood elf army. I've also been really looking forward to the last couple of weeks which should hopefully be chock full of gaming.

I really think it's coming along nicely.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Stomp Stomp STOMP!!!

A few days ago The Darkster, his brother and I played a new game of Apocalypse. It was 5000 points per side, pretty small Darks (2250pts Chaos) and his aforementioned Brother (2750ptsTraitor Guard) vs. Me (3750pts Orks and 1250pts Dark Angels). Victory went to the Orks. 

1 2 3 4 5 End Game
JED (4)4 (3)6 (3)9 (2)12 (4)20 51
BROS (2)2 (3)6 (2)6 (4)16 (2)10 40

The points explain the game fairly well, but I'll go into details. The Bros took the first turn.

Turn 1:
Before the game started I deployed a smoke screen across my battle line effectively preventing any damage. But as the Forces of Chaos attempted to flank the Ork forces called a Waaagh. My Weirdboy rolled a 6 for psychic powers. My line charged forwards out of the smoke. Shaking with fury, the orks failed to do much significant damage, destroying 1 Leman Russ battle tank and scattering some Storm troopers.

Turn 2:
The Chaos managed to push back the Ork lines, pulling in two objectives. Ghazghull (my War Master) had his Battlewagon shot up and had to continue on foot. In retaliation Ghazghull called in an airstrike on the Chaos Lord w/ Murder-sword named Khorahllahx, destroying his transport. This challenge would be settled on foot. The waves of green managed to overwhelm the defenders of one objective in a good old-fashioned counter attack.

Turn 3:
Under the weight of a second Waaagh, the Orks pulled ahead once again, over extending themselves ever so slightly. At the tip of this advance, Ghazghull Thraka, imbued with the power of Gork and Mork, cleanly snips Lord Khorahllahx, the very man out to get him, in two, latitudinally. The Demon Prince, enraged at his pawn's weakness, sizes up the Stompa for the glory of the Chaos.

Turn 4:
The Half-man Half-demon charges the Stompa. It's initiative gets gives it the upper hand; dodging around, it manages 2 structure points on the Stompa, in the top half of turn 4. The over extended Orks feel the weight of a renewed teleport assault and the Forces of Chaos secure two more objectives, leaving Ghazghull alone. In the bottom half of turn 4 the Demon Prince errs. While gleefully pulling plates of the Stompa it fails to notice a loosened plate. It is knocked to the ground and is quickly stomped. The Stompa's stomp attack stomped him removing him from play instantly. Watching their false god get crushed into the mud, the leaders of the traitor guards are caught in awe as Ghazghull takes great pleasure in dismantling them punie humies with his amputee maker. While they had gained solid ground, loss of their leadership left them hopeless.

Turn 5:
Leaderless, the traitors are a mess the fail to do any significant damage. At this point the Dark Angels make themselves clearly known, scooping up any and all who may have any contact with the fallen. Striking a deal with Ghazghull that, as long as they give him gunz and air support, they get their first choice in prisoners. With Typhus tangling with the machine that killed a Near-God, Asmodi strutted in, tortured some dudes and withdrew.

It was a good battle and, in honor of it's successful debut, I started painting my stompa.

You can see my conversions to a "Big Mek Stompa" fairly clearly
My first coat was an olive drab.
I washed the entire thing in Badab Black many times
I'll post more pictures as painting continues.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Game of Fantasy pt. 2

Just some more pictures of our three-way elf battle from the weekend. With captions to help follow the progression of the game.

Wood elves deploy behind a stream, in a fairly thick wooded area.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Game of Fantasy

The other day Darks, Wooster Shooster and Myself had a sweet 3 way. It kept us up really late. We were so tired after hours and hours of pushing back and forth. We were so close for so long and by the time we finished there was no clear winner.

On a more serious note. It was a motha-fuckin sweet game. High Elves vs. Dark Elves vs. Wood Elves made for a crazy fun time. We expanded the table and played with 24 inches sticking off the side. We set it up so we were all 24 inches from each other player. Magic was done so that you rolled normally, but either opponent could use the dispell pool. Combats were only fought when it was one of the participants turns. I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

Some highlights for me were my 20 phoenix guys cutting down the newly painted tree spirit monstro-beast and my other 20 phoenix guys getting routed by a hydra.

All in all some good clean fun was had.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The Legions of Lustria Assemble

Something wonderful arrived in the mail today, my limited edition copy of the new Lizardmen Armybook and the Lizardmen battle magic cards. It is a glorious book, its got a gorgeous book sleeve to protect the leather bound book itself. The cover has a scaly feel to it and the pages are gold leaf trimmed. Soon I will post a complete review of the book's contents but just from a cursory glance it looks like a powerful set of rules. Also I plan to pick up some models to start this army and hopefully I will have a battle report up by the end of the summer, time permitting.
At first I was sceptical that the book was in there cause the box looked too small but low and behold GW managed to wedge it in.

Here it is fresh out of the packaging.
I immediately started pouring over it and as turned the first page a black envelope slide out of the back cover, what could it be?

Turns out that GW included a certificate of authenticity for each book.

This lead to a more thorough investigation of the book sleave and it turned out there was a sweet drawing of a battle scene on the inside of the sleave.


Sunday, 4 August 2013

First game of ancients in a while

I had an opportunity to stop by The Darkster's basement on my way through the city and we got in a game of ancients. I hastily assembled my entire force the nights before, so we were able to playtest a nice big game.

It nearly didn't happen, but enough scrutinizing of piles and we found the pink hilroy notebook of rules scribbles. Most importantly were the combat resolution tables. On that note, I think we really hit the nail with those. We had a combat end in a 9 point win (auto break), one end in a 6 (break test), and a hoplite on hoplite push that was won by a single point of res (1 shaken token to the loser), so a full spectrum of results!

I took photos, but it's not much to look at since my army hasn't seen a single lick of paint, and though Darkster has got some lovely painted units, a couple were just empty bases. The eagle-eye shots look kind of cool though.

I think we've done a good job ensuring the first few turns are mostly maneuvering. I attempted turn 2 charges with cavalry, but neither made it (and a chariot was shot to bits at it tried).

This glorious, painted unit is a lot of fun with it's speed and shooting. Those elephant's in the background are themselves quite impending.

These slingers were quite ineffective against turtles hoplites, but look at those shield!

The charges finally got in turn 3, that chariot did well with the unit of cavalry supporting the flank. The elephant stomped and fled the chariot in the bottom left. The elephant with the single attack can be terrifying with a good roll.