Wednesday 7 August 2013

Game of Fantasy

The other day Darks, Wooster Shooster and Myself had a sweet 3 way. It kept us up really late. We were so tired after hours and hours of pushing back and forth. We were so close for so long and by the time we finished there was no clear winner.

On a more serious note. It was a motha-fuckin sweet game. High Elves vs. Dark Elves vs. Wood Elves made for a crazy fun time. We expanded the table and played with 24 inches sticking off the side. We set it up so we were all 24 inches from each other player. Magic was done so that you rolled normally, but either opponent could use the dispell pool. Combats were only fought when it was one of the participants turns. I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

Some highlights for me were my 20 phoenix guys cutting down the newly painted tree spirit monstro-beast and my other 20 phoenix guys getting routed by a hydra.

All in all some good clean fun was had.


  1. I'll just discretely point out that sweet statue-shrine that I painted up a few weeks ago but havent yet finished. What an inspiring piece.

    If you look at the last picture you can also see wooster borrowing my pegasus knight in order to test out his own flying hero. That badass made it through a block of seaguard, a gaggle of bolt throwers, and a rape-train of dinosaurs. Thats why they dont generally give out 2+ ward saves.

  2. That looks like one hell of a game. Quite a bit of good-looking terrain we've managed to accumulate there, not really short of fantasy buildings anymore. That shrine looks good, where'd you get that? And three-way winds/dispel worked...couldn't you just suck up the other guy's dispel dice though, and leave him dry?

    Plus hedonism bot just made my day. Absolute top-notch shit.
