Thursday 8 August 2013

Game of Fantasy pt. 2

Just some more pictures of our three-way elf battle from the weekend. With captions to help follow the progression of the game.

Wood elves deploy behind a stream, in a fairly thick wooded area.

Dark elves deploy in the village, assumed to have just finished some pillaging.

The vanguard forces spot the enemy from the watchtower and get the jump on them.

High elves descend from a rocky outcropping in perfect, disciplined lines.

High elves always go first, I suppose.

Swoop, grasp!

The wild riders attempt an assassination but are routed by the pheonix guard.

Hydra charge comes up short, distracted by the impressive terrain set up we have accumulated.

Forest spirits advance into dark elf territory, Lady Eboshi keeps her bodyguard nice and safe in the trees.

A clash of titans. Pheonix guard are extremely tough, but mind raiser allows the hydra and handlers to dish out an impressive amount of damage.

The pheonix guard manage to defeat treeman with combat resolution and catch the poor beastie in the chase. A battery of bolt throwers fail to beat the magical protection granted to the pegasus rider (wood elf noble on an eagle).

Flamespire pheonix making short work of armourless glade guard.

Clash on the other side of the table. The treekin cause 10 wounds, taking 5 in return, and tie with res. Next round mind raiser cleans the treekin up handily.

Prolonged combat between hated enemies finishes with the high elves in panic.

Treeman may have been defeated in combat, but that didn't stop him terrorizing some folks in the night.


  1. These are some Bitchin photos. You captured the feeling of the game really well. I like the one with me moving models. It looks almost staged.

    1. I'll sell it games workshop for the back of the white dwarfs. Right next to bryce getting a paint lesson.
