I had an opportunity to stop by The Darkster's basement on my way through the city and we got in a game of ancients. I hastily assembled my entire force the nights before, so we were able to playtest a nice big game.
It nearly
didn't happen, but enough scrutinizing of piles and we found the pink
hilroy notebook of rules scribbles. Most importantly were the combat
resolution tables. On that note, I think we really hit the nail with
those. We had a combat end in a 9 point win (auto break), one end in a 6
(break test), and a hoplite on hoplite push that was won by a single
point of res (1 shaken token to the loser), so a full spectrum of
I took photos, but it's not much to look at since
my army hasn't seen a single lick of paint, and though Darkster has got
some lovely painted units, a couple were just empty bases. The
eagle-eye shots look kind of cool though.
I think we've done a good job ensuring the first few turns are mostly maneuvering. I attempted turn 2 charges with cavalry, but neither made it (and a chariot was shot to bits at it tried). |
This glorious, painted unit is a lot of fun with it's speed and shooting. Those elephant's in the background are themselves quite impending. |
These slingers were quite ineffective against turtles hoplites, but look at those shield! |
The charges finally got in turn 3, that chariot did well with the unit of cavalry supporting the flank. The elephant stomped and fled the chariot in the bottom left. The elephant with the single attack can be terrifying with a good roll. |
Looks good and blocky. I'm glad to hear the tables balanced out well. So tempted to paint ancients but it's just such a task to start...one day.