Wednesday 29 May 2013

Nerf Darts

So, because Nerf has a clear warning to not modify the guns or darts, I did exactly the opposite. Needless to say, this was fucking awesome. I super charged the gun by taking out some safety features and put an old exacto knife blade in the dart. 
The Darkster confiscated it before I got a chance to shoot him because he is scared of progress. Also, he was angry because I was putting holes in his wall. Seriously, that dude's a fucking square.
On a more war-gaming related note, me the Darkster and Molgrimar and I played a huge ass game of Flames of War (4000pts). I'm working on the battle report and should have it up by the end of the week. Summery of Events: the Russians and Germans unholy alliance proved too much for my 'Mericans and after many turns of back and forth action America lost

I got my Revenge against those Commie Nazis the next game, but there's no photo evidence, so I'm probably just lying. One thing I have noticed recently though is the usefulness of pioneer teams. In my most recent game I played a Parachute Engineer Combat Company and the extra MGs won the day.

Tuesday 28 May 2013



Sorry to be posting in clumps like this, but I always seem to get my hobby inspiration like a sine wave. This isn't a compilation of rumours, this is simply a reminder to any who may be interested that GW, continuing along an awe-inspiring release schedule, have just put up the pre-order for eldar. This means the full release will be on Saturday.

Hemlock Wraithfighter/Crimson Hunter


Monday 27 May 2013

Dominion: Intrigue - First Impressions

I got dominion for a christmas gift last year and have enjoyed it quite a bit, however, I do have two major complaints.

 1: the artwork is disappointing, especially compared to a lot of games coming out these days where good game art is a major component of the production. I am personally willing to pay the extra 5-10 bucks for my game to be aesthetically pleasing to play. Sure, many classic games are nothing special to look at, but on the same note, new games should give me a reason to buy them over the classics, right? Some may consider this a minor issue anyways.

2: There is a distinct lack of player interaction. The Darkster's brother said while playing dominion that it was a game where every turn was like running off an awesome combo in Magic, without the in between. Problem is, it seems like during your opponents turns you're just sitting around waiting for your own, essentially playing solo. Of course the opponents' plays needed to be considered for ones own strategies, but only in the big picture, not on a turn by turn basis.

After some searching the internet I found others had similar complaints, and most notably, Rio Grande (the game developers) had responded to the latter with the first expansion, Dominion: Intrigue.

This game is actually a stand alone game which can be combined with the base game to allow for 5 or 6 player games (hear that, 5 guys), essentially doubling the size of dominion for a grand total of 50C10 = 10^10 possible different games.

Being a stand alone game, however, it isn't as focused on player interactions as I thought it might be, adding only 4 attack cards to the game. What it does add, however is another response in the form of the secret chamber. Here, as opposed to completely denying the attacks on you for the whole round, it merely allows you to adjust your hand before the attack resolves. I like this a lot and hope to include it in many games as an alternative to the moat.

We also receive some non-attack cards that affect the other players in the game such as the masquerade and tribute. Being specifically not attack cards means they cannot be moated, interesting...

Overall I like what I see, and need to get a few more games in to fully appreciate the new stuff (yes, that is an invitation). I don't feel that my concerns were immediately addressed though. The new player interaction seems a bit gimmicky, as opposed to actually game relevant, but of course time will tell on that one. As for the art, it seems like this game has a few different artists, as some cards have beautiful art (see great hall above), and some have worse art than the base game did!

Right now my favorite card is the shanty town. I feel that it addresses the problems I was having with the village in a perfect way and will probably be vouching for its inclusion in coming games.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The night is still young.......... Painting, Drinking, and Jazz

So about a week ago today I said something about posting more often and I meant it........... At least until life showed up and threw it's weight around like a one night stand. All that aside I have come to make good on my promise. I am sitting at my desk with a fresh bottle of whiskey, a bunch of semi painted Tomb Kings, and a great collection of jazz and soul music from days of old.

 I'll start with the whiskey, its a 10 year old canadian rye from a little known distiller out west that I bought on a recommendation, and it turned out to be excellent.
 Then we have the Liche High Priest who stands unpainted save parts of his staff and cloak.
 And last but not least is the Tomb Guard unit that remains in varying levels of completion.

As for the music, I'm starting with Frank Sinatra, Sam & Dave, and Wilson Pickett.

We'll see where the night takes me.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

MTG Confusion Deck

Possibility Storm

I know I just posted, but this is a different topic and therefore, in my opinion, warrants a different post.

I'm making a new Magic: The Gathering deck after the new set came out to make sure I stay in standard. It'll be a Confusion Deck, based on milling and cards that are confusing. I'll list out what I'm putting in it so far and leave it up to the internet to tell me I'm stupid. Keep in mind that I normally play multi-way games (3-5 player, Anyone can attack Anyone, shit-shows) and I'm looking at making a fun deck rather than a super competitive one.
Turn // Burn
The first number is the number of cards in the deck, the second is the number of those cards I have. If one of the "Guys" has the cards I need, tell me so I can steal them.

Increasing Confusion10/10 Islands
4/4 Mountains
4/4 Swamps
1/1 Izzet Guildgate
1/1 Rakdos Guildgate
1/1 Dimir Guildgate
1/1 Izzet Cluestone
1/1 Rakdos Cluestone
1/1 Dimir Cluestone
2/2 Conjured Currency
1/1 Mindcrank
2/2 Shreikgeist
2/2 Beguiler of Wills
1/1 Possibility Storm
1/1 Reforge the Soul
1/1 Pilfered Plans
1/1 Skull Rend
1/1 Psychic Strike
1/1 Notion Theif
1/1 Undercity Plague
1/1 Geralfs Mindcrusher
1/1 Crypt Incursion

2/1 Flux Charger
2/1 Curse of the Bloody Tome
4/2 Thought Scour
4/1 Increasing Confusion
2/1 Shreiking Affliction
4/2 Turn/Burn
2/1 Selhoff Occultist

My idea is hopefully I can screw with other peoples game enough that I can pull off a Mill win condition. Should be fun.

Painting, with Jed McFred

So first off, I'd like to say good morning, I hope everyone had a wonderful sleep.

Second, "fuck yeah, mother fucking posts, mother fucker".

Third, I painted and based some mother fucking Flames of War...
Mother. Fuckers.

They're not quite done; the tanks need some detailing, the infantry are half assed and Abrams is still unbuilt, but I'd still like to post what I've done so far... if it's okay with you guys. If it's not okay then too fucking bad cause here it is:

The basic theme for the army is winter 1944. I decided on white washed 4th Armoured Shermans and Bastogne-y Paratroopers. The white washing was done with a sponge over an olive drab spray called "Army Green" from "The Army Painter."

The basing was done with drywall filler It goes on a weird pinky colour and dries white.

The objectives are made out of spare Sherman parts. One is a half Sherman sticking out of the base attempting to give the illusion that it got stuck when it backed into pond or ditch or something. The other is some variety of historically inaccurate bunker with a Sherman turret. Pretty sweet stuff if I do say so myself.

Finally, I took a sweet picture of my tanks and The Darkster's tanks tanking it up like tanks do.

I'm probably the worst painter out of the five of us, so I've decided to just out produce everyone Soviet style. You should see more posts up soon.

Guitar Solo!!!

Persnickety characters post #1 - Liche High Priest

So I decided to start with persnickety characters, specifically the Liche High Priest.

NOTE: I have not yet switched to the new GW paints so all my paints are the old colours and as I am a lazy bastard I will not be finding the new names for these colours. However, if you absolutely must know get off your lazy ass and google it.

Step #1

I started with a thorough wash with Gryphonne Sepia, which decided to take a long ass time to dry so I also washed the rest of my Tomb Guard.

This fucker's arm fell off mid stroke, therefore he has consequently been relegated to the back rank for the next battle and hopefully he will learn his lesson.
 Sooooo.......yeah step #1 was kinda boring........fuck this liche is still drying WTF!

Step #2

So after finally organizing his shit the liche managed to dry and step two commenced.
I'm going for a tainted obsidian look for the staff, so I started by picking out the staff in Chaos Black while trying carefully to avoid smudging onto the ribbon rapped around it (I failed, profanity insued).

Next I put a layer of Midnight Blue over the Chaos Black to give that ominous deep purple effect and picked out the emblem at the top in gold.
The next thing I'm planning is for a sweet lightning bolt on the blade of the staff and for a more dark and silver theme instead of the traditional TK gold, in an effort to make the liche stand out in a crowd of equally dead looking fuckers.

Thats all for tonight, I'm going to much for going to bed on time.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Persians, Fantasy, and Karl Garat

These Bactrian medium cavalry show obvious Greek influence in the style of their armour.

So with this recent deluge of posts I seem to have fallen behind. Not wanting to seem like the least important of the 5 guys I put together a few pictures of my recent projects.

I've painted two full units of light troops and a couple bases of cavalry for my ancient Persian army

Slingers are usually the poorest or lowest on the social ladder; nonetheless they too take the opportunity battle provides to show off their most colourful clothes.

The basic peasant archer was a staple in almost every army up until modern times. 

This poor guy obviously couldn't keep it in his pants... and got his nose chopped off for adultery.

Here are a few close ups of some of my MVPs from recent Warhammer Fantasy games.

Lord Balewind has built up a considerable kill-count over the past year.

 This clusterfuck deserves some explanation  Through the necessary sacrifice of my Corsairs I both wiped out the first enemy block and lured the tomb guard into an uncontrollable rampage...allowing me to outmanoeuvre my undead opponent and (with two lucky rolls of 10) charge him from every possible angle. Needless to say, I annihilated them all.

Midway through writing this post, I heard a ring at the door. What could this stranger want with me? Oh, a package?

Hey theres another one...

Monday 13 May 2013

Various pics from a Fantasy grudge match

This is a dump of pictures from a few different fantasy battles.

The first few are from a game of Tomb Kings (me) vs Skaven (Mol) & Dark Elves (Darks), where the Tomb Kings easily swept aside the opposition.

The rest are from various games of Tomb Kings vs Dark Elves, so far it seems to be a decidedly equal match up, however in the last 2 games the Dark Elves have managed to vanquish my Tomb Kings quite handily.