Sunday 12 May 2013

Wings of Glory Dogfight Report

Me and The Darkster picked up Wings of Glory. This'll be my first battle report of sorts so it'll be poorly written and will likely have some wholes. Darko played as the Axis, I played as the Allies
I took a picture and updated after every card as opposed to every turn so you can get a good idea of the flight paths.

We took turns deploying. I deployed the P-40 first, then Darko counter deployed the Re.2001. I planned on double teaming the Re.2001, so I put the Yak-1 as the wingman. Darko deployed the Ki-61 to flank my aircraft.

I spread the two planes to snatch that Re.2001. Darko made an attempt to get around both sides.

I managed to get one plane in range, but The Darkster was also in arc. My plane got the best out of the deal, I drew two zero damage counters, Darks's started smoking.

The P-40 and the Re.2001 passed very close but were unfortunately out of arc. The Ki-61 took a fast sweeping turn and pounded my Yak-1. It quite quickly burst into flames. Not quite going down it limped off.

 The P-40 pulled an Immelman turn barely avoiding the arcs of Ki-61 and started heading towards the Re.2001. The Re.2001 pulled the same maneuver to get in head to head.

The P-40 and the Re.2001 screamed in and shot each other down. The both went down screaming to hell in a molten fireball. Awesome.
Meanwhile the Ki-61 pulled around like a drunken farmer to finish off the wounded Yak. Less awesome.
Thanks to the flames and that scary cannon on the Ki-61, the Yak was put out of it's misery quickly, much to my disappointment.

Neeooooooooowww, Dakka Dakka.

All in all a good game, to pick up and play. We probably did something wrong, but it was a quick fun game to pick up and play. We should pick up some of the individual aircraft they sell and have crazy battles and count kills and make aces and count deaths and cool ass shit. 

1 comment:

  1. That game looks amazing...I'd love to try using someone's planes at some point. And it makes me strongly want to play Warthunder. It's a bit of a shame that those planes aren't scaled to FloW, but they're great quality for cheap-ish pre-painted minis in my opinion.
