Monday 13 May 2013

I have returned, with new models

I have finally found some time to post, mostly because I have more time now but also partly because of the slanderous remarks of my comrades.

I recently picked up a box of Necropolis Knights and I just finished assembling them to my liking. Over the next couple of weeks I'm going to post pics of the different steps I take in basing, painting and finishing these knights. I plan to use a light wood filler for the majority of the base as a sand effect as well as on the model in some places in an attempt to model the special rule EBtS (Entombed Beneath the Sands). I will most likely smooth some places out with some green stuff as the models have a couple of flaws then I'll spray and paint.

 Here we have the Necropolis Captain.
 The standard bearer.
 And of course the musician.
A fearsome group if I do say so myself.

I'll be posting on a much more regular basis and I have a few other cool projects on the docket.

Stuff to look out for in the future
-Fully magnetising my Necro/War-sphinx to make it modular
-Persnickety character painting
-Customising my casket of souls with crazy light effects
-Custom building my own Hierotitan

1 comment:

  1. Those guys are very cool, and I definitely prefer the knights over the sepulchral stalkers. I'll try to shadow your updates with my treeman progress, although, that one has been put on pause as I need some bits that I left at the Darkster's. Also, speaking of him, he's got liquid green stuff you may be able to borrow to do any filling on your models
