Tuesday 14 May 2013

Persians, Fantasy, and Karl Garat

These Bactrian medium cavalry show obvious Greek influence in the style of their armour.

So with this recent deluge of posts I seem to have fallen behind. Not wanting to seem like the least important of the 5 guys I put together a few pictures of my recent projects.

I've painted two full units of light troops and a couple bases of cavalry for my ancient Persian army

Slingers are usually the poorest or lowest on the social ladder; nonetheless they too take the opportunity battle provides to show off their most colourful clothes.

The basic peasant archer was a staple in almost every army up until modern times. 

This poor guy obviously couldn't keep it in his pants... and got his nose chopped off for adultery.

Here are a few close ups of some of my MVPs from recent Warhammer Fantasy games.

Lord Balewind has built up a considerable kill-count over the past year.

 This clusterfuck deserves some explanation  Through the necessary sacrifice of my Corsairs I both wiped out the first enemy block and lured the tomb guard into an uncontrollable rampage...allowing me to outmanoeuvre my undead opponent and (with two lucky rolls of 10) charge him from every possible angle. Needless to say, I annihilated them all.

Midway through writing this post, I heard a ring at the door. What could this stranger want with me? Oh, a package?

Hey theres another one...

1 comment:

  1. All of this is tooo fucking cool darks, that cold one knight shield is amazing and I like how the light troops even look poor and dirty.
