Sunday 29 November 2015

Whole Squad on That Real Shit - Assassins Added

Hey fellas,

or whatever creepsters may be lurking this part of the internet, welcome. I just have a small painting update. For some reason the only thing I'm getting inspired to paint these days are old metal 40k models. Don't ask me why.

Monday 7 September 2015


One more done. The least loved character of them all! Found him in my bits box and had a moment of guilt. 

Sunday 9 August 2015

Temple Guard Captain

 Pretty badass temple guard captain, if I'm this productive every time we play homam I might actually finish a full unit for once.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

8th is actually still really fun

So I got to game a bunch this weekend and I want to rub it in, so here I am on the blog. I visited Wooster in the big smoke, we gave Age of Shitmar a try, then proceeded to play 3 games of 8th ed. 

This was my first foray into the realm of Shitmar, as much as I wanted it to be really good for reasons I couldn't see, it blew turbo space chunks compared to 8th. We did Lizardmen vs Chaos and I lost horribly. Wooster summed it up rather well afterwards, it feels more like table top mtg than warhammer. Apart from the fact that I lost, it wasn't a particularly shitty game (if you don't compare it to 8th) but it also wasn't a game that I would actively try to play. Games Workshop must have somehow thought that the fantasy community was longing to play warmachine. Anyways we concluded that 7th and 8th edition fantasy will provide years of entertainment at least for playing each other. 

Now onto the good stuff, 3 whole games of 8th ed with pictures.

So the first game was my Slann/Carnosaur double lord list VS Woosters demon prince slaughter orgy list.

Sunday 12 July 2015


Got these bros finished last night while getting a skype strip tease from Jakers.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

DBA and Hold the Line

Howdy people!

This weekend Darkster and I got up to some gaming. In total we played three games of warhammer, 3 of DBA, and an awesome demo of a pike and shot game called Might of Arms.

My newly completed early Mycenaeans( I.18 I believe), with camp and ZOC marker.

Friday 29 May 2015

Team Tournament

I also hit up this camhammer team tournament in Cambridge. I didn't know my teammates, and I even failed to get Molgrimmar in. I roomed with Joe, right beside beer town and all seemed well. Turns out beer town doesn't serve pitchers, but I guess good thing because Joe got pretty vomity, and we had a pretty tame weekend.

The team had chaos, skaven, and orcs, with me playing wood elves. 2400 points, the usual army with a minor tweak. I took a sniper character in place of 5 waywatchers and it was entirely a mistake.

Myself, Andrew w/ orcs, Joe w/ chaos, and Josh w/ skaven.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Warmasters' Challenge Team Tournament

Hey guys! Long time no post for me, unfortunately.

I've been to two warhammer fantasy tournaments, but instead of talking about them while they were fresh in my memory, I intend to mention both now...

The first was the warmasters' doubles, that Molgrimmar and I teamed up for. It was 2400 points comprised of two 1200 point lists, but otherwise everything was treated as if it were a single force. That means one general, one BSB, no weirdo splitting of power dice, etc.

Pretty sexy army display. There were a few actually, one with a full sized dwarf dirigible.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Flames of War - Early War in the Far East

Earlier tonight I had my first forray into FoW Early War. I learned a number of things. 1) As I've always known, and despite what everybody has always told me, horsemen are badass. 2) As I've always known, and as everybody has always told me, conscripts do suck. 3) KV-1 tanks are dumb. Not because they are unkillable, but because the in the one possible circumstance in which they might possibly die, they will roll a 1.

I didn't take pictures of the game for the entirely valid reason that I forgot to. I put some pictures of cool shit that is tangentially related, so that you perverts don't get bored.
The whole war in a nutshell. The Japanese knew what was really going on.

Friday 13 February 2015


In light of the fact that I will be seeing all of you fuckers tomorrow, I figured it was time to unveil my new beasties. As a belated Xmas present to myself I purchased a real Stegadon and a Carnosaur.

Also in a surprising turn of events the gaming community here took a huge influx swell this year and we finally have enough people to sign a club charter and start hitting the school up for money to pay for tables and scenery. The vast majority are newfish 40kers but I met with one of them and told him all the shit I play and he was like "OMG fantasy is soo cool" so there is hope for the future. Although the gamers at the GW are still too fucktarded to understand how facebook works, so I have not been able to organize a friday game for myself yet.
Assemble the Monstery Hordes

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Assembly Complete

So I finally got around to buidling the rest of my shit, mainly cause I was feeling guilty about it being unassembled. So there were twelve armless skinks that are now each sporting a brand new pair of arms complete with javelin and shield. The ripple doctors were missing riders and a fuckton of magnetizing, which is now complete so I can backhand them off the table now without them breaking permanently. The skink priest was cool and all but he was not nearly as badass as he could be so I added a wicked sick bolt of fire as a cast animation. The coolest part is that the flamey piece is magnetized to his palm so I'm thinking I can now add all kinds of different sweet animation pieces for different spells.

So here we have a swoop of rippledoctors and the flame priest.
Hobby Report to follow


Monday 2 February 2015

Flames of War Tournament Report

This weekend Jed, Molgrimmar and I played in a Flames tourney which included members from Carleton's tabletop gaming club and RMC's wargames club. The format was Late War 1900 points, with six rounds (which became five by sunday). Awards included Best Painted, Rule of Cool and Best Sportsman.

It all went really well - everybody seemed to have tons of fun and nobody's army got dropped on the floor. Molgrimmar's army won best painted, obviously, while I came within a single victory point of winning the whole competition.

I brought a Soviet Heavy Assault Gun Battalion from Red Bear. Two groups of three ISUs, one squad with Bunker Busters and the other with anti-tank cannons. A large artillery battalion provided the core of my support, while a squad of engineer-sappers and a few recon riflemen provided me a some nice infantry backup. The most intimidating element in my list, apart from the six assault guns and the IS-2 commander, was the ten OT-34 flame tanks. These bastards died in every game except the very last one, but killed so many motherfuckers that I think I will keep taking them from now on. They provide so many bodies that my opponents' anti-tank guns can't deal with both the heavy tanks and all those flamers. Light 45mm AT guns and a couple katyusha light rocket mortars rounded out my list.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Tournament Painting

Cool posting guys.
Thought I'd continue the trend of actually posting to this here blog, and show what I've been up to lately.

I have a tournament coming up January 31st, same day as the Carleton FloW tourney and I'll be taking chaos, and as such needed to get some of my models un-grey.

Monday 19 January 2015

Post-holidays Gaming

It seems that Jake has been the sole poster for a while...kudos to him for getting those pics up, and shaming me into action! I didn't play much fantasy over the break, but I got a few games of FoW in at Frere du Battaile, and recently partook in one hell of a mega-battle down at Fandom II. 

My opponent's well-painted, much-hated AOP.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Holiday Debauchery

Once again the christmas season brings us nerds back together to celebrate the oldest of holidays traditions: avoiding our families like the plague, drinking to excess while playing board games, arguments that turn into yelling matches, the Darkster's witchery, more arguments, and lots of WARHAMS. 

Since I have to trek home for the holidays I decided to lighten the load this year and only bring home my Lizardmen army. The first couple of weeks back I got in 4 games, 1 against Wooster's Wood (w)Elves, 1 against Wooster's Chaos Warriors, and 2 against Darksters Dark (d)Elves. Unfortunately I was too distracted by my raging Fanta-boner to take pictures of those games but I'll give a short summary of each.

My 2400 Pt list for the holidays
Slann (super dispel, loremaster high magic, other bells and whistles)
Scar-vet on cold one (armour of destiny, GW)
Skink Priest lvl 1 beast DS
Naked Scar-vet for pts fill
Block of Saurus
3x12 man skink skirmishers
7 Knights
Block of Temple Guard
Ancient Steg 

Monday 12 January 2015

Tournament Painting Progress

I completely forgot about this post, and am now far too lazy to organize my Tomb Kings for more pics but I'm gonna post this anyway cause you fuckers definitely don't post shit.

As you may have heard we all participated in the Capital City Bloodbath in Ottawa, Ontario. The tourney was actually a wicked good time even though lady luck was being a complete bitch. The by product of my participation in this tourney is a semi-painted army; the rules required 3 colours, painted bases, and no visible plastic. So I kicked it into gear the night before the tourney and painted for 8 solid hours. In this time span I managed to empty out a brand new paint pot and learn of a whole new level of boredom and desperation.

This post is pretty much gonna be a pic dump of all my units and I'll go through my games in a later post when I'm feeling drunk enough to relive my painfully bad luck.