Friday 5 July 2013

A Hobby Update

Hm. I painted these two eagles. It didn't take very long, but is an accomplishment in my eyes.

Holy disorienting photo, Batman.

Also painted the last of my glade guard, which makes 6 treekin, 12 dryads, 40 archers, 2 eagles, 2 wizards, and a bsb painted, so not too shabby.
Three most recent archers plus this cool reaper wood elf.
I've really been focusing on fantasy, trying to get my elves to a tabletop completion level, but I also got around to some terrain which I do not have photos of. I'm planning a trip to herr Darkster's basement soon so I'll do that then.

All in all painting has been going well, but blogging has not. I don't really know how to solve this. It seems like people can be pretty busy, and everyone except for me is at school in the summer, but I'll extend a hobby challenge anyways!

After I build the last five of my dryads I will try to get some paint on that treeman. This is a huge project and will surely take a lot of time, but I want to get it done before GW finally writes a new wood elf book and starts selling an awe-inspiring new treeman model that eats wraithknights and riptides in one gulp, and I'm left with a half painted converted treeman that I may as well have never made...

So anyone who can't make any major (worth blogging about) hobby accomplishment before I finish my treeman must bow down to me as supreme hobbyist, accept that everything I say about Warhammer must be truth, and never question my gaming awesomeness (except maybe Molgrimmar who pretty much has two fully painted armies, but fuck that) =D.


  1. Those look fantastic! The eagles I mean...they've been broken metal for so long. I never noticed their little vinies...I like how it looks like they just get stuck over them as they fly through forests. But seriously those are nicer models than I thought.

    That blonde Reaper elf is gorgeous. That fits in really well with the GW elves, like no slimmer or anything. His hair and face are brooding badass, with sword.

    1. They did spend a lot of time silver with missing wings. I got them sprayed and filled in the wings (which was a lot easier than anticipated). In one night they rear charged a huge ogre iron gut deathstar, and caused some 60 empire swordsmen to double flee (fled from treeman, then the eagle swoops in), so I figured they deserved some paint. It's easier not to forget a model that's painted.

    2. Nice! Also it deleted my first post, I forgot to re-mention how awesome that waystone looks as a flying base. And that those eagles are fucking massive beasts, especially for metal casts.

      Also I should be coming to Ottawa on Thursday-Tuesday this weekend coming (11-16) so we should game it up! Have you guys started Jed's WHFRP campaign yet?

    3. No, but it's written and let me just say those fucking eagles are fucking awesome. I borrowed/stole/don't remember/bought one from Shoost to make into a Phlaming Pheonix.

      I've also got to proclaim that you did a magnificent job on basing, these models are truly a testament to your skills that kills.
