Tuesday 9 July 2013

I have returned

It seems that Wooster has thrown down the proverbial gauntlet and I for one will meet that shallange. I would like to preface by saying that in the last 3 weeks I have moved all of my worldly possessions twice and spent 4 days in Manhattan, that is my alibi and if you don't like it then fuck you.

Standing before me is a semi-assembled casket of souls that I am currently assembling and the nagging unit of tomb guard. I have been production lining my tomb guard which is boring as shit so I have decided, fuck it, the casket is wwaaayyyy cooler.

This is the current state of my casket.

Whoever made the model for the casket guards was crazy fucking retarded, the forearms aren't offset so  the wrists don't match up with the hands.

I still have some hardcore sculpting to do for my casket, as I have always found it kinda lacking in the awesome department. However this isn't my only rebuttal to Wooster's challenge, I've got another dog in the race if you catch my drift.
Oooooohh, I wonder whats inside the bag.


  1. Were you painting like 20 tomb guard at once? Wowza. I can only do elves in groups of 3. Have you considered doing 5 at a time, and interspersing them with cooler, more exciting things?
    Good luck with the casket!

  2. Ya, i'm struggling my way through them 20 at a time, I just grab the next colour and go. I spend most of the time thinking up the awesome back story for my army and how I'm gonna model my Tomb King once I get through all this shit.

    Right now however, I'm painting them while I wait for the magnanimous amount of green stuff to set.
