Tuesday 16 July 2013

A Test of Wills Drinking Game

So I have successfully completed a drinking game worthy of our nerdyness. Okay. Here it goes.

Step 1: Players roll 4d6 for "leadership". Write it down. The higher number the better.

Step 2: Players take turns starting from the player with the lowest "leadership" in a clockwise order. In you're turn you can do up to two actions. Actions cost drinks. The actions are as follows.

Move (2): Move one space counter clockwise.

Attack (1): Either the player to your left or right takes 11-3d6 drinks.

Block (1): Chose a direction. Next time you are made to drink from that direction subtract d3 from what you have to drink.

Power Up (2): Add d3 drinks to your next attack. This can stack with Psy Blast for 2d3 - 1 drinks.

Psy Blast (4): Everyone drinks d3 - 1 drinks (including you!) and takes the appropriate leadership tests.

Test of Wills! (0): Challenge anyone at the table to a Test of Wills. Players roll a die. They then take turns, starting with the player who was challenged, adding dice. A player can either add dice or pass. If a player rolls doubles they have to drink that number of drinks and the Test of Wills is over. If both players pass the Test of Wills is over. The person who rolled lower has to drink the difference. Take the appropriate leadership tests.

Step 3: At the end of each player turn, everyone that was forced to drink subtracts one from their leadership and takes a leadership test. If you roll above your leadership on 2d6 you fall back and must shotgun a beer.

Step 4: Move to the next players turn at Step 2. This continues until there is is two players left.

Step 5: When there are two players left you can only do one action a turn and you cannot block or move.

The last person to fall back wins!

What do you guys think?

Also we ran the campaign this weekend, but we didn't finish, so I'll wait to post deets.


P.S. I forgot my Stompa at Darko's. He really needs to take pictures of it and post them!

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