Friday 26 July 2013


I've finished painting up my 15cm howitzers for Flames of War. I had significant motivation for this one since I didn't glue them to the bases before painting and the guns were taking a beating in a pretty crappy travel arrangement. I'm really glad I decided to drybrush these guys as opposed to highlighting, drybrushing was so fast and came out really well.
The battery of four 15cm sFH18 heavy howitzers. Empty shell casings are bits of the spray-stick that comes with WD40.
The officer class doing some math and enjoying some ersatzkaffee. Pretty much boiled, burnt acorns. Gross.
My main concern with drybrushing was obliterating the detail of those rivets, but they turned out fine.
These guys are furious in game, no gun shields is pretty much their only downside (and they're a hefty price in mid-war lists). They're easily capable of pounding infantry out of their hidey-holes from corner-to-corner on a 4x6 board provided I can range in on them...which is iffy. Thus why I clearly need like 12+ bad-ass armoured cars to go a-scoutin'...

Look like this summer painting challenge is going well for all. I'm again at the status of having all infantry-base models in FloW painted which just turns my crank, frankly.


  1. I love the little maps on the table! They're so fucking cute. Nice job.

  2. Thanks, I wanted to spend some time on that staff team model. I also got a random, perfect little cylinder in the staff-team bin which I made a coffee cup. I actually have no idea if it's supposed to be or was just a lucky bit of sprue.

  3. Awesome! That's one amazing thing about flow is that every base is a little scene. The artillery, and particularly those officers look so good. Not impressed at ruining a WD40 rod though, those things are near worth their weight in gold.
