Wednesday 22 October 2014

Wooster Shooster AKA Best General AKA Pussy Slayer

You've all seen it, but I'm a cocky bastard so...
I have been prompted to post on here, since the blog was becoming a bit too bastillodon themed. I've got a mish-mash of on the go projects. Unlike Jake I can't seem to stay focused on one thing, I keep jumping back and forth between projects, then leaving either my models or paints at that Darkster's place.
As it is though, I have a bunch of shit worth putting on the internet.

Is anyone there? Is anyone alive?

Fuck you guys, I'm debating renaming the blog "bastillidon painting progress" so that I don't have to title my posts anymore.

Recently in my various high seas adventures on the internet I came across this glorious paint conversion chart, it converts paint pots across a large number of different companies by name and it includes the old gw paints. Super fucking usefull, I can buy more Midnight Blue from Vallejo.

If my compatriots are in fact alive, they should get their collective asses in gear and paint something. For soon, I shall become the supreme hobby lord and henceforth be incontestable in all affairs pertaining to warhammer.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Progress Update

More progress on the bastillidon. I've done the first two coats on the scales and the two orange coats in the cracks. All I have left is the grey and black for the scorch marks and the yellow line in the cracks

Monday 22 September 2014

Scaly Skin 2+

Now that all this tournament mumbo jumbo is done I'm finally free of my moral obligation to paint Tomb Kings and I can move onto painting and general hobby for my Lizardmen. Not only am I free of guilt but I'm also back at school so I'm finally reunited with my hobby desk and all its sweet fucking tools and vices..... for science.

So I started by doing some detail work on the cold one calvary which has been halted by my lack of Dheneb Stone so I will have to visit the local filth hovel (aka GW) before they can be finished. In the mean time I have started to tackled my bastillidon mixed with some skink painting seshs. So the tide of scales is finally starting to green up a bit.

So I've decided that I don't actually like myself because I have chosen this as the paint scheme for the armour plates of my bastillidon. It is going to be an absolute bitch to paint the whole thing like this but it'll look fucking epic if I do.

The process I use to get to this look for the scales starts with a base coat of black. I start by slopping a coat of Wild Rider Red into the cracks, followed by a layer of Troll Slayer Orange. I use a calligraphy brush to paint the thin Yriel Yellow strip down the center of each crack. The plates themselves start with a thick coat of Skink Blue over the whole surface. The scorch marks start with a thin layer of Dawnstone which fades to drybrushing as it moves inward. Then a very thin drybrush of Chaos Black on top of the Dawnstone.

I still haven't decided how to finish the legs but I figure I'll ponder this when I visit GW to pick up some paints.

This is a pile of skinks in varying stages of completeness. The skinks are pretty simple to do, as always start with a black undercoat, then cover the whole lizard in Incubi Darkness. Then a thick layer of Sybarite Green, followed by a washing of Coelia Greenshade. The scales get a light drybrush of Skink Blue and all thats left is picking out weapons and jewelry.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Ccbb list breakdown

I think this includes my list, so add a skaven, a dark elf and a single tomb king. Looks like lots of vamps, ogres and lizards, which I like.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Back from Gagetown

As you may or may not know, I have been in Gagetown, NB all summer doing army things. The following picture pretty much sums it up.
Fortunately I have returned with success under my belt, relatively uninjured, and prepared for war gaming. Some interesting things happened while I was gone, most notable of which is the new Ork Codex for 40k. I haven't got a hold of it yet, but I promise you that when I do I'll have much to say.
The thing the other 4 guys seem to be excited for is a Warhammer Fantasy tournament coming up. I won't have a fully painted army to participate with, but I do have some plans for an empire steam tank army. And by plans I mean we have all the models except the steam tanks which are ordered. I'm really looking forward to grinding some puny elves underneath the steel treads of progress.
Finally, the Darkster and I played a game of FOW, America 4th Armour against some Russian Infantry. It was a fair fight meeting engagement. Here's a picture of us halfway through.

The game ended in a stalemate. My preliminary wave of tanks was fended off, but I caused many casualties and destroyed almost all of his anti-tank capability. I didn't feel like I could press forwards into assault with so few tanks, and he didn't want to run into the defensive fire of so many MG's. The last turn we played saw very little movement and only a handful of long range shots exchanged. We decided to call it a draw: the first team to get further reserves from higher would be able to break through, but this battle was indecisive.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Tourmanent Prep

Tournament musings go!
Lists are due Aug 17. This is what I'll be bringing, hoping you folks could give it a look over before I submit.


lvl 4 sorceress (shadow probably, maybe heavens...) with horse, talisman of preservation, earthing rod (310)

BSB on horse with sheild, hail of doom arrow, helm of the hunt, flaming arrows (with +1 to wound evil) (168)

core (610 = 25.448%)

10 eternal guard with shields, champ, musician (140)

2 x 15 archers with no modifiers to shooting, musicians (235 + 235 = 470)

Special (724 = 30%)

5 poison scouts, banner (122)
9 poison scouts, musician (122)

3 treekin (135)

5 wild riders with shields, command, banner of eternal flame (180)

5 bitches of anraheir, lichebone pennant, musician (165)

Rare (585 = 24.406%)

8 waywatchers (160)
5 waywatchers (100)

2 eagles (100)

treeman (225)

total: 2397

Notes: No I cannot afford a 9th waywatcher. 14 poison shots might not be enough: 70% chance to take out a bolt thrower in one go, 42% to take out a cannon crew, but so far it's been going well.

Oh ya, and I totally changed my mind about taking chaos. I would have had to paint that war shrine and I think that may have killed me.
Such indecision.

Other things:
There are points to be had for display boards, I'm thinking of just grabbing one of the 2x2 table sections.
There are also bonus points for writing a page of fluff for the army. I'll be fleshing out my iron town/princess mononoke theme and I'll post it here for edits beforehand. I'm thinking that iron town will be an empire city just outside athel loren, living in reasonable harmony up until now, the men of iron town have spread into athel loren to get wood for the forges, thus inciting the wrath of the wood elves, and so on. I would choose bretonnia but they don't have black powder, which is crucial to the story.

I might post my 3 colour painted models.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

2400 Point Fantasy Tournament in Kingston

Darkster came and visited me this past weekend  for some Warhams. We played a 3 game tourney on saturday and snuck in another game on sunday. I didn't take any pictures at the tournament for an array of reasons,l be it my opponents unpainted army, or being too depressed about getting tabled.

Friday 13 June 2014

Progress Bitches!

I'm finally getting some of my shit painted. This was going to be an awesome full length post but it stopped raining so I'm off to work, if I'm feeling generous I'll finish it up later.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Necron Royal Court

I'm putting up pictures of my Necron royal court to link to another site (otherwise I was going to have to re-size all my photos).

The Royal Court

Wednesday 4 June 2014


In case anybody was sitting around not painting wondering what to do. I'm coming out of a slump for a couple of reasons. I need to get an army ready for this tournament. Both chaos and woodies are achievable by then. The wood elves I could get done to 100%, but the chaos base colours are quick enough I could get those done by then as well. There's also controversy as to whether the free wood is part of the army and therefore subject to being scored for painting. I don't really want to buy a forest just to get my paint points.

UPDATE: Warshrine is ready for spray paint. This model is both the centrepiece and least functional (in game) unit for my chaos.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

New Toys!

Yay! New wood elf army book means new toys for me. I didn't anticipate many of the changes, so I'm going to need to buy some models. The army is the same style as it has always been, but with a ton of changes to each unit, and some new units.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Did someone say Bastiladon?

In regards to your comment Molgrimmar, yes that is how I'm planning to have my Bastilidon look as well. I was literally working on it when you commented so I figured I'd post up what I had finished so far. This is just the first 3 colours (2 different oranges and a blood red wash) but I'm planning on doing some more work this weekend. I'm gonna add some highlights to the armour plates and work on the weapon mount and the skinks. The level of completion that will be achieved is entirely based on my motivation this weekend. Now in the spirit of big beasty painting, this is the time for me to lay down a challenge for you fuckers. Anyone who fails to post a similar level of painting progress shall be obligated to bow down to my awesomeness.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Army Shot

Not really. This stuff is about 85% painted though, and I'm glad it's all turning out how I had hoped.

The elephant is for a war-shrine to sit upon. I'm going to request to raid all bits boxes while I make a shrine for it. I particularly need bigger chaos iconography (looking at you Darkster).

Anyways I have no motivation whatsoever to paint while not getting games in. This all was done after reading week, and the drive has since fizzled. What I'm getting at is we should game it up as soon as possible after exam time. I am definitely down to visit Jaker on a mad road trip or whatever.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Welp, I'm back

Greetings from the great beyond, the ever growing mound of homework has finally managed to kill me. I write this post from the afterlife with great effort for the sole reason of offending you all one last time. So.....yeaah fuck you.

Okay so I've got a lot of shit to say so sit down and shut up.
First and foremost, I have discovered a free to play mech-warrior FPS called HAWKEN that is ballz to the wallz the most fun I've ever had driving a mech. It runs beautifully on my shitty school laptop so needless to say every time I play it on my big screen my eyeballs melt out of my skull. 60% of the time its always more fun than Warthunder, check it out.

Saturday 29 March 2014

A Flames of War Scenario

I finished my last paper of the semester and now it's time to post. I've been sketching up ideas for a Battle of Kursk scenario. I'd like to introduce yous guys to a little operation that happened in a little town called Prelestnoye south of Kursk.

As you may know, the Battle of Kursk didn't really take place in the city as much as it did in the environs. The attack started on my birthday (July 4th) 1943, and was forced to withdraw by the 13th. This scenario is made to emulate the critical moment when Vatutin decided to commit the 5th Guards tank to stop the German push towards the city of Prokhorovka, so dates wise we're looking at the morning of July 12th. The German left of line in this was anchored on the River Psel. They moved east out of the town to be met head on by Soviet Tanks.

First thing to do is to set up the table something like this:
Black is built up areas.
Grey is roads.
Blue is river.
Beige is fields.
Green is woods.
That brown-ey red line at the top is supposed to be a contour line. MS paint is hard.

Then each player builds companies.
The German player builds one 2100 point SS Pz Div (Totenkopf). Now, it was actually the 1st SS Pz Div fighting in this area, but there is only rules for the 3rd SS Pz Div. Totenkopf was fighting slightly to the north, and the only difference I found between the two divisions was that the 1st SS didn't have any Tigers. Therefore, no Tigers for the Germans. The list can be found in Grey Wolf.
The Soviet player builds two similar 1250 point Guard Tank Companies from Red Bear. The Soviet forces in this are consisted mostly of T-34s, so be cool and use em. Also, I said make the companies similar so to avoid the Soviet player min/maxing for infantry in the 1st Guards and tanks in the 5th Guards. Coolio? Coolio.

The Soviet player deploys one of his companies first. He may hold one of his platoons in ambush. This one will represent the 1st Guards. The Soviet line is at 24" on the right flank and 48" on the left. The German Player then deploys his company, holding up to half of his units in reserve. His line is at 6" on the left and 30" on the right.The other Soviet company is held in delayed reserves.

The German objective is placed within 6" of the opposite table edge. Soviet Reserves come in anywhere within 8" of the center road. The game ends if the Germans control this objective, or if there is no Germans within 16" of the objective after the 6th turn.

Special Rules:

Prepared Reserves: When the Soviet player rolls for reserves he may add one die to his pool. This would mean he could get 2D6 on the third turn, and 3D6 on the fourth turn.

Cut Off: If the German player gets at least one platoon above half strength off the Soviet table edge, it engages the Soviet reserves. The Soviets may no longer bring troops on from reserve.

Bonus Points: The Germans get +2 victory points if they successfully cut off the Soviet reserves. The Soviets get +2 victory points if they control the bridge in the German deployment zone at the end of the game.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Explanation of Hiatus

Bon-jour toot le monde

Okay, so we haven't been posting for a long time, and, while I think this is an issue, we're all super bogged down with schoolwork, so posts are probably gonna continue sporadically until the end of semester.

So, I got some things to say before I get started on the real reason behind this post.

First thing is that the Lego movie is awesome.
Second, Pokemon on Netflix is awesome.
Third, boobies are awesome.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Un-Dead Blog

That's kind of lame. I can understand it, but it's a shame. I saw some drafts so maybe it will liven up soon.

I have been hobbying a bit between other things. I'm doing many of my chaos guys to about 3/4 complete then switching projects.
Here are some WIP.

UPDATE: done for now. 

Sunday 23 February 2014

This Happened

So while we were gaming it up to max potential during reading week this happened, and I at least didn't even notice. Just a quick post because I personally think it's amaze-balls extreme and would buy one at a seconds notice if $170 was something I had lying around.

I am literally blown away by that model. Warmachine doesn't have a single jack that even gets to ride the same schoolbus as that guy. Straight up. He doesn't even ride the bus, his mom drives him in every day. Seriously. Amazing.

Friday 14 February 2014

Another Dakkajet?

I wanted to share something I created in true Ork fashion. To go along with my scratch built Stompa, I now posses a bespoke Dakkajet. 
Its construction is fairly simple. The wings and tail are both cut out of hardboard, the body is various tube things glued together and the canopy is thin clear plastic that I cut and bent into place. 
The turbo-prop is made out of Lego. I glued two giant burst cannons from the Riptide Battlesuit to the wings to represent the 3 Twin-Linked Super-Shootas the Dakkajet has. Looking at it now I think I need to do something about the space between the body and canopy. 

For comparisons sake, here's my other Dakkajet. I tried to give the original more of an A-10 look; I mounted rear engines high and added some munitions to the wings. My new one is a clear throwback to the Ju-87 G; it has the under-wing cannons, razorback canopy, single engine, and the Balkenkreuz on the tail (just in case you didn't get it).
Finally, I started building a huge building for 40k, You can see a teeny-weenie guardsmen for comparison.

Monday 10 February 2014

Did someone say escalation?

Now is when we find out who remembered the escalation league deadline for reading week. 600 pts ready to play. Ante up bitches.

Friday 7 February 2014

Finished Scouts

Juts a Quick post to let everyone know that I finished painting those scouts. Gaze upon their badassitude and weep.

Thursday 6 February 2014

100th post: Painting King Tigers

Woot! Published post number 100!

Woo! Also we averaged 19 views/day for the last month. Guitar solo?

In this post I'll be detailing how I go about painting my Tiger IIs and, by extension, my German tanks. 

Tuesday 4 February 2014

A Recent Report on Fantasy Battles

The chaos moon Morrslieb's orbit took it directly in front of Mannslieb, casting a great green shadow-ring upon the old world. Creatures of myth began to stir from ancient slumber. Just outside the small Bretonnian town of Ermahgerdsdon, low from the mysterious tangle of Athel Loren could be heard a voice, "ah fuck it, ill just add a dragon to my 2400 list."

And thus began this 3000 warhammer battle. I, Wooster Shooster, took an illegal list, by simply tacking a dragon special character of 595 points onto my 2400 Wood elf list. My opponents (who should feel free to add a less biased commentary here) shared the 3000 between skaven and dark elves.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Konverting Kool Karskins

Привет everybody.
This week I've been converting Karskins to Dark Angels Scouts with shotguns. I absolutely love the models, they look like total badasses. Much better than the muffler gunners that Games Workshop calls stormtroopers

On top of this, I'm not a big fan of the Space Marine Scout models. They are way to screaming and running to be tactical. They also have these over/under, pump action, tube fed, shotgun monstrosities with an ejection port that's lower than the barrel that I think are ridiculous. This is a problem I have with bolters as well. It's like the designer doesn't know how a gun works. Anyways, I figured I could do better.
What I started with.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Well, Well, Well

I made this and finished painting it yesterday. I think it looks pretty good. I've been saying for ages that what with having several  cottages and fences, all we need to flesh out a little fantasy (or whatever) town is more details like barrels, boxes, a well perhaps.

This well looks kind of derpy, but we can just assume that the poor shit farmers who drink its e-coli infested waters can't afford any better. It's made out of a chopped up white eraser, chop sticks from some take-out I had, and old magic cards that are worth less than the card they're printed on.

Eraser makes really good stones actually, and hardens up nice when it soaks up glue. I can pretty easily do sloppy stone/brick if anybody has an idea for more terrain like this.

Monday 27 January 2014

Christmas Gifts from myself YAY

Oop look at me slinking back from the holidays with zero blog action. I spent the holidays reveling in absurd amounts of debauchery, while guiltily reverting to a blog lurker. Now that the holidays are over, I'll be back in my regular blogging schedule, which is whenever I fuckin feel like it.

The most important thing about the holidays is my annual xmas gift to myself. This year the bill ran up to 277$ which covered a box of Temple Guard, a box of Skinks, a Bastiladon (Venusaur), a Slann Mage-Priest, and a Skink Priest. Normally this annual gift is fun and exciting but this year swiping the plastic was painful, as the bastard children at GW are money grubbing price whores. The slann was 60$ by itself, it is a finecast which means there aren't any extra cool bits, and I'm pretty sure GW makes sure that every single fine-cast sprue has been carefully broken in the most crucial area. All my bitching aside, the other kits are wonderful displays of plastic models that come with an eye-gougingly wonderful amount of extra fiddly bits. In an inebriated hazy stupor I rushed to assemble all the models so that I could use them to crush elves. In some later posts I'll do some battle reports, they will be glorious stories filled with elf crunchy goodness and a shameful story of a scar-vet that shit the bed against some puny hex-wraith droppings.

 The Slann finecast required a small amount of green-stuffing to fix the inconsistencies created by the semi-autistic mold operator at GW.

The Skink-Priest was much more satisfying to build, it continues to boggle my mind as to how GW can create such nice plastic models then bungle the finecast so horribly.
The Bastiladon and the Temple Guard are finished as well but I'm too fucking lazy to take pictures now, so your disgusting imagination will have to do for the time being.
 FULLY PAINTED SKINKS WOOT ...........also the bastiladon

Lizardmen Painting Post #1: Saurus Paint Process

In this post I'm going to go step by step through the process I use to paint my Saurus Warriors.

So lets start with the finished product. I've got 2 done so far and I'm cataloging my progress on the third.

Friday 24 January 2014

New Germans, Finnish Fortified Companies and Nipple Piercings.

Within the last week a lot of shit has gone down. I will attempt to tackle explaining this shit in three phases:

Phase 1: Talk about new German Infantry models I purchased.
Phase 2: Pontificate my new-found affection for early war Finnish in Flames of War.
Phase 3: Try to justify piercing my friend's nipple with a safety pin when we were fucked up.

I have a lot of work ahead of me.

First, those new Germans. I bought the platoon from a guy for $30 painted and assembled.

Pretty good deal if you ask me. They're painted better than I'd ever paint 15mm infantry. The only big issue is that they are from mid war as opposed to late and are therefore lacking some panzershrecks/fausts. Molgrimmar has some extra fausts/shrecks which I should be able to add in some crazy way.